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2016-06-13 10:53:11783browse

刚接触PHP ,写了如下的一小段,$x->name();为什么打印出来是空啊?

PHP code
interface man{    function talk();}abstract class person{    abstract function name();    abstract function age();    var $c="这是一个抽象类
";}class xiaoming extends person implements man { function name(){ echo ("xiaoming
"); } function age(){ echo ("12"."
"); } function talk(){ echo ("love
"); }}class xiaoli extends person implements man{ var $mingzi; function _construct($mingzi){ $this->mingzi=$mingzi; } function name(){ echo ($this->mingzi."
"); } function age(){ echo ("13
"); } function talk(){ echo ("you"); }}$p = new xiaoming();$p->name();$p->age();$p->talk();$x = new xiaoli("xiaoli");$x->age();$x->name();$x->talk();

__construct 双下划线

既然你使用了接口,那么 name 和 age 就应该不暴露给外界
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