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php 字节换算函数

2016-06-08 17:22:301100browse


 代码如下 复制代码

function conversion($size) {
$kb = 1024; // 1KB(Kibibyte,千字节)=1024B,
$mb = 1024 * $kb; //1MB(Mebibyte,兆字节,简称“兆”)=1024KB,
$gb = 1024 * $mb; // 1GB(Gigabyte,吉字节,又称“千兆”)=1024MB,
$tb = 1024 * $gb; // 1TB(Terabyte,万亿字节,太字节)=1024GB,
$pb = 1024 * $tb; //1PB(Petabyte,千万亿字节,拍字节)=1024TB,
$fb = 1024 * $pb; //1EB(Exabyte,百亿亿字节,艾字节)=1024PB,
$zb = 1024 * $fb; //1ZB(Zettabyte,十万亿亿字节,泽字节)= 1024EB,
$yb = 1024 * $zb; //1YB(Yottabyte,一亿亿亿字节,尧字节)= 1024ZB,
$bb = 1024 * $yb; //1BB(Brontobyte,一千亿亿亿字节)= 1024YB
if ($size < $kb) {
return $size . " B";
} else if ($size < $mb) {
return round($size / $kb, 2) . " KB";
} else if ($size < $gb) {
return round($size / $mb, 2) . " MB";
} else if ($size < $tb) {
return round($size / $gb, 2) . " GB";
} else if ($size < $pb) {
return round($size / $tb, 2) . " TB";
} else if ($size < $fb) {
return round($size / $pb, 2) . " PB";
} else if ($size < $zb) {
return round($size / $fb, 2) . " EB";
} else if ($size < $yb) {
return round($size / $zb, 2) . " ZB";
} else {
return round($size / $bb, 2) . " YB";
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