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php 打印、显示、输出函数 收集

2016-06-13 10:36:161010browse

echo "Hello World";

"This spans
multiple lines. The newlines will be
output as well"

"This spans multiple lines. The newlines will be output as well."

"Escaping characters is done "Like this"."

// You can use variables inside of an echo statement
$foo = "foobar"
$bar = "barbaz"

"foo is $foo";
// foo is foobar

// You can also use arrays
$baz = array("value" => "foo"

"this is {$baz[value]} !";
// this is foo !

// Using single quotes will print the variable name, not the value
echo foo is $foo;
// foo is $foo

// If you are not using any other characters, you can just echo variables
echo $foo;          
// foobar
echo $foo,$bar;     
// foobarbarbaz

// Some people prefer passing multiple parameters to echo over concatenation.
echo This , string , was , made , with multiple parameters., chr(10
This . string . was . made . with concatenation. . " "

This uses the "here document" syntax to output
multiple lines with
interpolation. Note
that the here document terminator must appear on a
line with just a semicolon. no extra whitespace!

// Because echo does not behave like a function, the following code is invalid.
($some_var) ? echo true : echo false

// However, the following examples will work:
($some_var) ? print true : print false;
// print is also a construct, but
                                             // it behaves like a function, so
                                             // it may be used in this context.
echo $some_var ? true: false;
// changing the statement around

PHP die() 函数

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