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2016-06-06 20:20:411274browse



如方法原型为test($uid,$score), 那么我就知道需要需要从$_GET取

复制代码 代码如下:

$uid = $_GET['uid'];

$score = $_GET['score'];




复制代码 代码如下:

class testClass{ 
    public function testFunc($param1,$param2=0){ 

$method = new ReflectionMethod('testClass', 'testFunc'); 
$params = $method--->getParameters(); 
foreach ($params as $param) { 
    echo 'param name: ' . $param->getName(),"\n"; 
    if ($param->isOptional()) { 
        echo 'Default value: ' . $param->getDefaultValue(),"\n"; 


Reflection可以说是对php库函数:“Classes/Objects 类/对象函数”的一个扩展。


复制代码 代码如下:

class Reflection { } 
interface Reflector { } 
class ReflectionException extends Exception { } 
class ReflectionFunction implements Reflector { } 
class ReflectionParameter implements Reflector { } 
class ReflectionMethod extends ReflectionFunction { } 
class ReflectionClass implements Reflector { } 
class ReflectionObject extends ReflectionClass { } 
class ReflectionProperty implements Reflector { } 
class ReflectionExtension implements Reflector { } 


复制代码 代码如下:

class Reflection 

public static mixed export(Reflector r [,bool return]) 
public static array getModifierNames(int modifiers) 

class ReflectionFunction implements Reflector 

final private __clone() 
public object __construct(string name) 
public string __toString() 
public static string export() 
public string getName() 
public bool isInternal() 
public bool isUserDefined() 
public string getFileName() 
public int getStartLine() 
public int getEndLine() 
public string getDocComment() 
public array getStaticVariables() 
public mixed invoke(mixed* args) 
public mixed invokeArgs(array args) 
public bool returnsReference() 
public ReflectionParameter[] getParameters() 
public int getNumberOfParameters() 
public int getNumberOfRequiredParameters() 

class ReflectionParameter implements Reflector 

final private __clone() 
public object __construct(string name) 
public string __toString() 
public static string export() 
public string getName() 
public bool isPassedByReference() 
public ReflectionClass getClass() 
public bool isArray() 
public bool allowsNull() 
public bool isOptional() 
public bool isDefaultValueAvailable() 
public mixed getDefaultValue() 

class ReflectionClass implements Reflector 

final private __clone() 
public object __construct(string name) 
public string __toString() 
public static string export() 
public string getName() 
public bool isInternal() 
public bool isUserDefined() 
public bool isInstantiable() 
public bool hasConstant(string name) 
public bool hasMethod(string name) 
public bool hasProperty(string name) 
public string getFileName() 
public int getStartLine() 
public int getEndLine() 
public string getDocComment() 
public ReflectionMethod getConstructor() 
public ReflectionMethod getMethod(string name) 
public ReflectionMethod[] getMethods() 
public ReflectionProperty getProperty(string name) 
public ReflectionProperty[] getProperties() 
public array getConstants() 
public mixed getConstant(string name) 
public ReflectionClass[] getInterfaces() 
public bool isInterface() 
public bool isAbstract() 
public bool isFinal() 
public int getModifiers() 
public bool isInstance(stdclass object) 
public stdclass newInstance(mixed* args) 
public ReflectionClass getParentClass() 
public bool isSubclassOf(ReflectionClass class) 
public array getStaticProperties() 
public mixed getStaticPropertyValue(string name [, mixed default]) 
public void setStaticPropertyValue(string name, mixed value) 
public array getDefaultProperties() 
public bool isIterateable() 
public bool implementsInterface(string name) 
public ReflectionExtension getExtension() 
public string getExtensionName() 

class ReflectionMethod extends ReflectionFunction 

public __construct(mixed class, string name) 
public string __toString() 
public static string export() 
public mixed invoke(stdclass object, mixed* args) 
public mixed invokeArgs(stdclass object, array args) 
public bool isFinal() 
public bool isAbstract() 
public bool isPublic() 
public bool isPrivate() 
public bool isProtected() 
public bool isStatic() 
public bool isConstructor() 
public bool isDestructor() 
public int getModifiers() 
public ReflectionClass getDeclaringClass() 
// Inherited from ReflectionFunction 
final private __clone() 
public string getName() 
public bool isInternal() 
public bool isUserDefined() 
public string getFileName() 
public int getStartLine() 
public int getEndLine() 
public string getDocComment() 
public array getStaticVariables() 
public bool returnsReference() 
public ReflectionParameter[] getParameters() 
public int getNumberOfParameters() 
public int getNumberOfRequiredParameters() 

class ReflectionProperty implements Reflector 

final private __clone() 
public __construct(mixed class, string name) 
public string __toString() 
public static string export() 
public string getName() 
public bool isPublic() 
public bool isPrivate() 
public bool isProtected() 
public bool isStatic() 
public bool isDefault() 
public int getModifiers() 
public mixed getValue(stdclass object) 
public void setValue(stdclass object, mixed value) 
public ReflectionClass getDeclaringClass() 
public string getDocComment() 

class ReflectionExtension implements Reflector { 
final private __clone() 
public __construct(string name) 
public string __toString() 
public static string export() 
public string getName() 
public string getVersion() 
public ReflectionFunction[] getFunctions() 
public array getConstants() 
public array getINIEntries() 
public ReflectionClass[] getClasses() 
public array getClassNames() 


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