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Yii framework search paging module writing method

2016-12-23 17:10:001046browse

Controller layer

  $test=new Goods();  //实例化model模型
  $arr=$test->find()->where(['like','goods_name',"$w"]); //加上搜索的条件where
  $pages = new Pagination([
    'totalCount' => $arr->count(),
    'pageSize'  => 4 //每页显示条数
  $models = $arr->offset($pages->offset)
  return $this->render('goodslist', [ //前台的页面
    'data' => $models,
    'pages' => $pages,
    'where' =>$w   //把搜索的条件显示到前面

View layer


Url::toRoute(['goods/goodslist']), 'method'=>'get', ]); echo '搜索'," ",Html::input('text','goods_name',$where); // echo '年龄'," ",Html::input('text','age',$where['age']); echo Html::submitButton('搜索'); ActiveForm::end(); ?> $val): ?>
$pages, 'nextPageLabel' => '下一页', 'prevPageLabel' => '上一页', ]); ?>

Model layer

The above is the Yii framework search paging module writing method introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message , the editor will reply to everyone in time. I would also like to thank you all for your support of the PHP Chinese website!

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