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Text field php writing method

2023-05-07 13:21:07702browse

In PHP, a textarea is a form control used to receive user input. In HTML, text areas are declared using the

In this example, we create a simple form that contains a text field and a submit button . The form's action attribute points to a PHP file named process.php, which is used to process form submission data. The form's method attribute is set to post, which means the form data will be submitted to the $_POST super in the process.php file in the global array.

In the process.php file, we use the if statement to check whether the requested method is post. If so, the text field The value of is stored in the $message variable. Next, we use echo to output this variable so that the user can see their entered message on the page.

In short, using text fields in PHP is similar to other form controls. You need to set the text area using the