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How to convert object into array in php

2023-04-25 09:07:08552browse

In PHP programming, objects and arrays are two common data types. Sometimes we need to convert an object into an array to facilitate its operation and processing. This article will introduce how to convert objects into arrays and discuss some problems that may be encountered in actual development.

1. Understanding objects and arrays

In PHP, an object is a data structure that encapsulates properties and methods. Objects can be created by instantiating a class, for example:

class Person {
    public $name;
    public $age;

$person = new Person();
$person->name = '小明';
$person->age = 18;

The above code creates a Person object named $person and sets the values ​​of its name and age attributes. The properties of this object can be accessed and set using the object property accessor (->).

An array is an ordered list that can contain multiple values. In PHP, there are two array types: indexed arrays and associative arrays. Indexed arrays access and set values ​​through integer indexes, while associative arrays access and set values ​​through string key names. For example:

// 索引数组
$numbers = array(1, 2, 3);

// 关联数组
$person = array(
    'name' => '小明',
    'age' => 18

2. Convert an object into an array

In PHP, you can use a function called get_object_vars() to convert an object into an associative array. The function of this function is to get all the properties of the object and wrap them into an array and return them. For example:

class Person {
    public $name;
    public $age;

$person = new Person();
$person->name = '小明';
$person->age = 18;

$array = get_object_vars($person);

The above code will output the following content:

    [name] => 小明
    [age] => 18

In this way, we have successfully converted a Person object into an associative array. As you can see, the key name of the array is the same as the object property name, and the key value corresponds to the value of the property.

If an object has other objects as its attributes, then using get_object_vars() can only convert the outer object into an array, while the inner object still maintains the object type. If you need to convert all objects into arrays, you can use the recursive method, as shown below:

function objectToArray($object) {
    if (is_object($object)) {
        $object = get_object_vars($object);
    if (is_array($object)) {
        return array_map(__FUNCTION__, $object);
    else {
        return $object;

class Animal {
    public $name;

class Person {
    public $name;
    public $animal;

    function __construct() {
        $this->animal = new Animal();
        $this->animal->name = '小狗';

$person = new Person();
$person->name = '小明';

$array = objectToArray($person);

The above code will output the following content:

    [name] => 小明
    [animal] => Array
            [name] => 小狗

In this way, we will successfully include multiple layers The Person object of the object is converted into a nested array.

It should be noted that in the above code, we use a function called array_map(). This function applies a callback function to each element of the array, thus forming a new array. Here, we apply the function to each element in the nested array so that the inner object can also be converted to an array. Additionally, to allow this function to recursively process nested arrays of arbitrary depth, we use a double underscore (__) in the callback function to indicate recursion. This function is very powerful and can greatly simplify the processing of complex data structures.

3. Problems you may encounter

When converting objects into arrays, there are some issues that need to be paid attention to.

  1. Private attributes cannot be converted

Using the get_object_vars() function can only obtain the public attributes of the object, but the private attributes cannot be obtained. If you need to get the value of a private attribute, you need to use PHP's reflection mechanism. For example:

class Person {
    public $name;
    private $age;

$person = new Person();
$person->name = '小明';
$person->age = 18;

$array = array();
$reflection = new ReflectionObject($person);
$properties = $reflection->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED | ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE);
foreach ($properties as $property) {
    $array[$property->getName()] = $property->getValue($person);


The above code will output the following content:

    [name] => 小明
    [age] => 18

In this way, we have successfully obtained the properties of the Person object, including private properties, and converted them into an array. It should be noted that to obtain private properties, you need to use the ReflectionObject and ReflectionProperty classes, and you need to set the accessibility of the property to true to obtain its value.

  1. Object methods will also be converted into arrays

When using the get_object_vars() function to convert an object into an array, all public methods in the object will be converted into arrays element. If you do not need to include methods in the array, you can control which properties are included in the array by adding the __toArray() method to the object. For example:

class Person {
    public $name;
    private $age;

    public function __toArray() {
        return array(
            'name' => $this->name,

$person = new Person();
$person->name = '小明';
$person->age = 18;

$array = (array)$person;

The above code will only output the value of the name attribute, but will not output the age attribute and other methods defined in the class.

By adding the __toArray() method to the object, you can customize which attributes will be converted into array elements.

4. Summary

This article introduces how to convert an object into an array and discusses some problems that may be encountered. In actual development, converting objects into arrays can be easily operated and processed, and can adapt to the needs of various complex data structures. It should be noted that the private properties and methods in the object must be taken into account when converting to avoid including unnecessary elements in the array. In order to deal with these problems, we can use PHP's reflection mechanism and custom __toArray() method to achieve a more flexible conversion method.

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