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How to write an array in php function

2023-04-25 09:07:07363browse

In PHP programming, arrays are a very common and important data type. It can store multiple values ​​in the form of key-value pairs and is very useful in many scenarios. When writing custom PHP functions, you often need to involve array operations. Below, we will introduce how to correctly write an array in a PHP function.

  1. Define an array

In PHP, we can use the array() function to define an array. For example, to define an array containing the numbers 1, 2, and 3, you can write:

$my_array = array(1, 2, 3);

The same way can be used when defining an array in a function. For example:

function my_function() {
    $my_array = array(1, 2, 3);

In this example, we define a function named my_function and create an array named $my_array inside it.

  1. Passing array parameters

When we need to operate an array in a function, we need to pass the array to the function first. In PHP, arrays can be passed to functions in the following ways:

function my_function($my_array) {
    // 对$my_array进行操作

In this example, we define a function called my_function and pass the $my_array array as a parameter to the function.

  1. Array traversal

When an array needs to be used in a function, it is usually necessary to traverse each element of the array. PHP provides two ways to traverse arrays.

The first way is to use a for loop. For example, to iterate through the $my_array array and print the value of each element, you can write:

function my_function($my_array) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($my_array); $i++) {
        echo $my_array[$i] . "
";     } }

In this example, we used a for loop to traverse the $my_array array and use the echo statement to print the value of each element. value.

The second way is to use a foreach loop. For example, to iterate over the $my_array array and print the value of each element, you can write:

function my_function($my_array) {
    foreach ($my_array as $value) {
        echo $value . "
";     } }

In this example, we use a foreach loop to traverse the $my_array array and use the echo statement to print the value of each element. value.

  1. Return array

After operating an array in a function, you may need to return the modified array to the program that called the function. In PHP, the array can be returned through the following statement:

return $my_array;

In this example, we modified the $my_array array in the function and used the return statement to return the modified array.

  1. Full Example

Here is a complete example showing how to define, pass, iterate and return an array in a PHP function:

function my_function($my_array) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($my_array); $i++) {
        $my_array[$i] = $my_array[$i] * $my_array[$i];
    return $my_array;

$my_input_array = array(1, 2, 3);
$my_output_array = my_function($my_input_array);

foreach ($my_output_array as $value) {
    echo $value . "
"; }

In this example, we define a function named my_function, and traverse the $my_array array passed in, assigning the square of each element to the original element. Then, we use the return statement to return the modified $my_array array. In the main program, we define an input array $my_input_array and pass it to the my_function function to get the returned output array $my_output_array. Finally, we use a foreach loop to iterate over the output array $my_output_array and print the value of each element using an echo statement.

  1. Summary

Defining, passing, traversing and returning an array in PHP functions are very common operations. When writing custom PHP functions, pay attention to correctly operating arrays, and choose different array traversal methods (for loop or foreach loop) according to actual needs. Only by mastering these basic knowledge can you write efficient and reliable PHP applications.

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