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How to use PHP's while statement to sum an array

2023-04-20 09:10:25581browse

PHP is a programming language widely used in web development. Arrays are one of the most commonly used data types when developing WEB applications. PHP arrays can store one or more values. Summing the values ​​in an array is one of the operations we often need to do. This article will introduce how to use PHP's while statement to sum an array.

How to use PHP arrays:

PHP array is a special variable type that can store one or more values. The specific usage is as follows:

$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

echo $arr[0];  //输出1

$arr[] = 6;

foreach($arr as $value){
    echo $value;

The above are some basic PHP array usages. Below we will introduce how to use the while statement to sum the array.

Sample code:

$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

$sum = 0;   //初始化求和变量

$i = 0;     //遍历数组的索引

while($i < count($arr)){
    $sum += $arr[$i];

echo $sum;   //输出15

Code explanation:

In the above sample code, first we create an array containing several numbers. Next, we use a while loop statement to iterate through each element in the array and calculate their sum. It is worth noting that we use a built-in function count() that represents the number of array elements to count the number of elements in the array. The summation variable is initialized to 0, and the index of the traversed array is initialized to 0. In the loop, we use i to control the loop. The value of i will increase by 1 each time it loops, and the value of the current array element will be accumulated into the summation variable $sum. Finally, we use echo $sum; to output the sum of all elements in the array.


This article introduces how to use the while statement to sum arrays in PHP. Although PHP provides many built-in functions and techniques for summing arrays, in some scenarios, it is more flexible and convenient to use a while loop to traverse the array and sum it. I hope that readers can have a deeper understanding of the use of PHP arrays through the introduction of this article, and at the same time, they can also become more proficient in using various summing techniques to complete their own WEB application development.

The above is the detailed content of How to use PHP's while statement to sum an array. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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