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How to delete specified elements in a two-dimensional array in php

2023-04-18 14:10:31915browse

In PHP, we have many methods to delete array elements. But when we want to delete an element in a two-dimensional array, more operations and thinking are required. In this article, we will introduce some methods to delete specified elements in a two-dimensional array.

1. Use foreach loop to delete specified elements

If we want to delete specified elements in a two-dimensional array, we can use foreach loop to traverse the entire array and then find the element that needs to be deleted. Once we find the element that needs to be removed, we can use the unset() function to remove the element.

This is a sample code:

"John", "age"=>20),
   array("name"=>"Peter", "age"=>25),
   array("name"=>"Kevin", "age"=>30)

foreach ($employees as $key => $value) {

    if ($employees[$key]["name"] == "Peter") {




$employees = array_values($employees);


In the above code, we define a two-dimensional array named $employees. We iterate through this array and find the element named "Peter". Once we find the element, we use the unset() function to delete it. Finally, we use the array_values() function to re-index the array and print the results.

2. Use the array_filter() function to delete the specified element

You can use the array_filter() function in PHP. This function will accept an array as a parameter and return a new array containing Filtered elements. We can define the items we want to filter in the callback function and return the new array.

This is a sample code:

"John", "age"=>20),
   array("name"=>"Peter", "age"=>25),
   array("name"=>"Kevin", "age"=>30)

$employees = array_filter($employees, function($employee){
    return $employee["name"] != "Peter";


In the above code, we define a two-dimensional array named $employees. We use the array_filter() function to filter out elements named "Peter". We define the filtering conditions in the callback function and return the new array. Finally, we use the print_r() function to print the output results.

3. Use array_search() function and unset() function to delete specified elements

We can also use array_search() function and unset() function to delete specified elements. The array_search() function can search for a specified value in an array and return its key. Once we find the element that needs to be removed, we can remove it using the unset() function.

This is a sample code:

"John", "age"=>20),
   array("name"=>"Peter", "age"=>25),
   array("name"=>"Kevin", "age"=>30)

$key = array_search("Peter", array_column($employees, "name"));


$employees = array_values($employees);


In the above code, we define a two-dimensional array named $employees. We use the array_column() function to retrieve all the names in the array and the array_search() function to find the element that needs to be removed. Once we find the element, we use the unset() function to delete it. Finally, we use the array_values() function to re-index the array and print the results.

The above are several methods to delete specified elements of a two-dimensional array. In actual development, you can choose a suitable method according to specific business needs. Hope this article is helpful to you.

The above is the detailed content of How to delete specified elements in a two-dimensional array in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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