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How to set up a PHP environment on Alibaba Cloud server

2023-04-12 14:44:28869browse

Alibaba Cloud's server is a powerful cloud computing platform that provides cloud computing services to developers and enterprises around the world. On Alibaba Cloud servers, we can build a variety of environments to support the operation of our websites and applications.

Among them, building a PHP environment is a very common requirement. This article will introduce you to how to set up a PHP environment on Alibaba Cloud's server.

1. Log in to the Alibaba Cloud server

First, we need to use the SSH client to log in to the Alibaba Cloud server. The specific login process is as follows:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and enter the following command:

ssh root@

For example, if the server public IP is, enter the following command:

ssh root@

  1. Enter the login password and log in.

2. Install Apache

Before setting up the PHP environment, we need to install the web server first. In this article, we will use Apache as the web server. The specific installation commands are as follows:

  1. Update system software packages:

apt-get update

  1. Install Apache:

apt-get install apache2

  1. Verify whether Apache is installed successfully. Enter the server's IP address in the browser. If you can see the "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" page, the installation is successful.

3. Install PHP

Before installing PHP, you need to install the PHP extension package first. The specific commands are as follows:

apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

After installation, restart the Apache service:

service apache2 restart

4. Test the PHP environment

After installing PHP, we need to test whether PHP is installed successfully. The specific method is as follows:

  1. Create a phpinfo.php file and copy the following code into the file:

  1. Place this file in Apache's Web root directory. In this article, the web root directory defaults to /var/www/html/.
  2. Enter the server's IP address in the browser, plus the relative path to the phpinfo.php file. For example, if the server IP address is and the phpinfo.php file is placed in the Web root directory, enter in the browser:

  1. If you can see the PHP information page, it proves that the PHP environment has been set up.

5. Install and configure MySQL

In web development, the database is a very important part. In this article, we will use MySQL as the database. The specific installation and configuration methods are as follows:

  1. Install MySQL:

apt-get install mysql-server

  1. Install the MySQL expansion package:

apt-get install php-mysql

  1. Configure MySQL:


Enter the root password as prompted, and Make relevant configurations as needed.

  1. Verify whether MySQL is installed successfully. Enter the following command in the terminal:

mysql -u root -p

If you can successfully log in to MySQL, the installation is successful.

6. Summary

Through the above steps, we have successfully set up a PHP environment on the Alibaba Cloud server, and installed and configured MySQL.

In actual applications, we may also need to install other PHP extension packages and tools. These can be installed through the apt-get command.

Alibaba Cloud's server platform provides many convenient and fast functions. With the assistance of Alibaba Cloud and related documents, we can easily build a complete Web development environment.

The above is the detailed content of How to set up a PHP environment on Alibaba Cloud server. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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