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How to solve the problem that phpstudy cannot find php.in

2023-04-12 14:44:261044browse

Many people choose to use phpstudy when building a local development environment. Because the phpstudy environment configuration is simple and easy to use, many people recommend it. However, when using phpstudy to build an environment, you will also encounter some problems, such as the php.ini configuration file cannot be found. Let me share with you how to solve this problem.

1. What is the php.ini file?

The php.ini file is the PHP configuration file, used to configure various parameters, extensions, error reports, etc. of PHP. PHP applications have one or more php.ini files, which are saved in different directories, including:

  1. Under the PHP home directory (for example: C:\php\)
  2. Windows system folder (for example: C:\Windows\)
  3. In the Apache configuration directory (for example: /etc/httpd/conf.d/)
  4. In the PHP application directory (for example :/var/www/html/myphpapp/)

2. phpstudy cannot find the php.ini file Reason

When phpstudy is installed, it will automatically be in C:\phpStudy The corresponding php.ini configuration file is generated in the directory and can be easily switched through the phpstudy panel. However, if the php.ini file cannot be found during use, it is probably due to the following reasons:

  1. Hidden files
    Some key system files are hidden by default under the Windows operating system. If there is no setting to show hidden files, they will not be displayed in the file browser.
    2. Found the wrong directory
    In the Windows operating system, the php.ini file may exist in multiple directories, so you need to find the corresponding directory.
    3. Accidental deletion
    Some users may delete the php.ini file by mistake, resulting in the configuration file not being found.

3. How does phpstudy find the php.ini file

The php.ini file cannot be found. We need to first determine the directory where the php.ini file is located. The phpini() function can obtain the location of the php.ini file path.

  1. Find the php.ini path through the php.ini() function
    In the service panel of phpstudy, after opening a PHP service, you can see a "PHP Configuration" in the 1. column of the server information".

After clicking on the PHP configuration information, you can see a link to php.ini. Click on it to find the path to the php.ini file.

  1. Search directly for the php.ini file
    Open the file explorer and follow the following path to find the php.ini file:


If you cannot find the php.ini file in this path, you can enter php.ini in the search box to search and find the corresponding path.

  1. Call the PHP function to obtain the php.ini path
    Use the phpinfo() function directly in the code, which will output all the information of PHP, including the php.ini file Location. Find the output_buffering and Loaded Configuration File items and view their values, which are the paths to the currently running php.ini files.

4. Issues you need to pay attention to after phpstudy finds the php.ini file

  1. Backup
    Modifying php environment variables, reinstalling or upgrading phpstudy may cause problems Delete or modify the php.ini file, so be sure to back it up first.
  2. Changes
    Modifications to php.ini will directly affect the operation of the PHP script, so unless you are very sure, do not modify it at will.
  3. Step by step
    When modifying php.ini, you need to ensure that it corresponds to the PHP version used, otherwise errors will occur.

Summary: The problem that phpstudy cannot find the php.ini configuration file is because the location of the php.ini file is not found. We can locate the path where the php.ini file is located through the php.ini() function, direct search, PHP functions and other methods. However, after finding it, we also need to pay attention to backing up and modifying the /php.ini file, and modify it as needed to avoid Unnecessary errors.

The above is the detailed content of How to solve the problem that phpstudy cannot find php.in. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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