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Is php starting to decline?

2023-03-31 09:05:30894browse

PHP, an open source general-purpose programming language with a history of more than 20 years since its release in 1995, is one of the most popular server-side languages ​​on the Internet today. It is widely used in fields such as web development, data processing, and command line scripting. However, with the rise of other back-end languages ​​in recent years, has PHP begun to decline?

First, let's take a look at the advantages of PHP. For beginners, PHP is a fairly simple and easy-to-learn language. It does not require much pre-knowledge. You only need to understand basic programming concepts and syntax to get started. Moreover, PHP provides powerful and rich functions and features. For example, in terms of performance, PHP handles HTTP requests and responses more easily than other languages, and in terms of scalability, PHP has a very large ecosystem and open source community that can be used in Solve most development needs in a short time. In addition, PHP has a wide range of applications and is used by many large websites and companies, such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, etc.

So, is PHP facing the risk of decline? In fact, judging from global data, the use of PHP has not decreased, but has increased. According to the latest survey by W3Techs, as of 2021 In April, over 79% of websites used PHP backend as their server-side language, even higher than other popular backend technologies like Node.js, Ruby on Rails, and more!

However, some people pointed out that some shortcomings of PHP, such as performance issues, code readability, security, etc., may cause it to encounter challenges in future development. Therefore, the PHP community has continued to improve in recent years to meet new challenges. For example, the release of PHP7 added faster execution speed and more security features, as well as better support for object-oriented programming, improved code quality and readability, and integrated more library support.

In addition, the development of social media also has a certain impact on the use of PHP. In the past few years, many PHP developers have turned to other languages ​​and frameworks such as Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, etc. This is because the rise of these new technologies provides better performance and better user experience, as well as more development opportunities and solutions.

Despite this, the usage of PHP is still high, and many people are using and developing PHP software. The PHP ecosystem is particularly healthy, and solutions to problems have been corrected and improved many times. The PHP community continues to improve the development environment and documentation, making it easier to learn and use PHP. In short, although PHP faces some challenges, it is still a powerful and widely used programming language.


PHP has not begun to decline, but has continued to improve and evolve on the basis of its popularity, continues to meet user needs, strengthened performance and security, and still has a lot of potential market. Although there are many back-end technologies and frameworks on the market, PHP is still an important server-side language option.

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