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How to solve the problem of garbled Chinese parameters in php url

2023-03-29 10:13:27529browse

With the popularity of the Internet and the development of globalization, more and more websites need to support content and parameter transfer in different languages. PHP, a popular web development language, also supports this multi-language support to a great extent. However, when processing Chinese parameters, we often encounter garbled characters. This article will introduce the causes of garbled Chinese parameters in PHP and provide solutions.

Cause of garbled code problem

When processing Chinese parameters in PHP, we often encounter garbled code problems. This is mainly caused by character encoding mismatch. Specifically, there are two main situations:

Inconsistent URL encoding

In the HTTP protocol, the parameters passed by the URL are implemented through URL encoding. URL encoding converts some special characters into '%' followed by two hexadecimal digits. For example, the Chinese character "nihao" would be encoded as "nihao".

However, in actual applications, URL encoding is often implemented in different ways. Some systems may use UTF-8 encoding, while others may use GBK encoding, which leads to inconsistent URL encoding. For example, if a page uses GBK encoding and a PHP script uses UTF-8 encoding, garbled characters will occur when passing Chinese parameters.

Inconsistent string encoding

In addition to inconsistent URL encoding, the parameter passing process also involves string encoding issues. In PHP, strings are divided into two types: binary strings and Unicode strings. Among them, binary strings refer to ordinary strings, each of which is a byte, while Unicode strings refer to strings encoded using UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32, each of which is a byte. It may be composed of multiple bytes.

When processing Chinese parameters, if the string encoding is inconsistent, garbled characters may easily occur. For example, if a PHP script uses UTF-8 encoding and the passed parameters use GBK encoding, then PHP will not be able to correctly recognize these Chinese characters, resulting in garbled characters.


In response to the above two problems, we can adopt the following solutions to solve the problem of garbled Chinese parameters:

Uniform Character Encoding

In order to avoid For the problem of inconsistent URL encoding, we should encode all parameters using the same encoding method. Under normal circumstances, UTF-8 encoding is a relatively common encoding method. We can encode all parameters into UTF-8 format to ensure encoding consistency.

Convert string encoding

In order to avoid the problem of inconsistent string encoding, we can first convert the passed parameters into the same encoding format as the current script, and then process it. In PHP, we can use the iconv() function to complete string encoding conversion. For example, if the current script uses UTF-8 encoding and the passed parameters use GBK encoding, you can use the following code to convert:

$param = iconv('gbk', 'utf-8', $_GET['param']);

Use the mbstring function

In addition to the iconv() function In addition, PHP also provides a series of mbstring functions that can be used to deal with string encoding issues. When processing Chinese parameters, we can use the mbstring function to encode and decode strings to avoid garbled characters. For example, you can use the mb_convert_encoding() function to convert the passed parameters to UTF-8 encoding:

$param = mb_convert_encoding($_GET['param'], 'UTF-8', 'auto');


Chinese parameter garbled characters are a common problem in PHP development. When processing Chinese parameters, we should pay attention to unified character encoding to avoid inconsistencies between URL encoding and string encoding. At the same time, we can use the iconv() function or mbstring function to convert and process string encoding to solve the problem of garbled characters.

The above is the detailed content of How to solve the problem of garbled Chinese parameters in php url. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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