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How to deploy PHP applications on the external network and allow other directories to be accessed from the external network

2023-03-27 18:15:22708browse

When we test a PHP application locally, we often deploy it on a local web server and access it locally. However, after deploying the application to the external network, you may need to make other directories of the application accessible from the external network. Next, we will explore how to deploy PHP applications on the external network and allow other directories to be accessed from the external network.

Step One: Select Server

First, we need to choose a server that is suitable for us to deploy our application. You can choose a virtual private server (VPS) or use a cloud server such as AWS or Digital Ocean. We should ensure that this server has a static IP address and that necessary software such as a web server (such as Apache or Nginx) and PHP have been installed.

Step Two: Deploy the Application

Now, we can deploy our application to the server. We can do this via FTP or command line. If we are using FTP, we need to make sure that our FTP client is connected to the correct server and that we are logged into the server's FTP server. Next, we can copy our application folder to the web root directory on the server, usually "/var/www" or "/var/www/html".

If we use the command line, we need to log in to the terminal on the server and copy our application to the web root directory using commands such as SCP or GIT.

Step 3: Configure the Web server

Now, our application has been deployed to the server, but other directories cannot be accessed from the external network. This is because web servers by default only allow access to files in the web root directory. In order to allow other directories to be accessed from the outside, we need to make some configurations in the web server.

Taking the Apache server as an example, we need to add the following code to the server configuration file:

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

In the above code, we add the Web root directory and other directories to the Web server configuration in the file. You need to change "/var/www/html" to the path of the web root directory and "/var/www/html/other_directory" to the path of other directories that you want to allow access from the outside.

Step 4: Restart the Web server

After completing the configuration, we need to restart the Web server for our changes to take effect. We can restart the Apache server with the following command:

sudo service apache2 restart

Step 5: Test the settings

Finally, we need to test whether our settings are effective. We can visit our application's page in the web root directory and make sure it is accessible. We can then try to access the other directories we added in the web server configuration file in the browser, making sure they are also accessible from the outside.


In this article, we learned how to deploy a PHP application on the external network and allow other directories to be accessed from the external network. We need to choose a server that suits us, deploy the application to the server, and do some necessary configurations in the web server. Finally, we need to test that the settings are working and that the destination folder is accessible in the browser.

The above is the detailed content of How to deploy PHP applications on the external network and allow other directories to be accessed from the external network. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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