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Solutions to the causes of Chinese garbled characters in PHP [Summary]

2023-03-27 17:24:412133browse

PHP is a widely used scripting language suitable for web development. However, in PHP development, we often encounter situations where Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other characters are garbled. This situation is especially common in the Chinese field, which makes developers very distressed. So, why does PHP have Chinese garbled characters? This article will explore this problem and provide some solutions.

The reason why Chinese garbled characters appear in PHP

1. Character set encoding is inconsistent
The main reason why garbled characters often appear is that there is a problem with the encoding format. In the process of writing PHP code, developers need to pay attention to the format of the code file itself. For example, Overpass needs to be set to UTF-8 format. If it is not set or set incorrectly, it will cause garbled characters in the output of the PHP program.

In addition, when using database queries, form submissions and other operations in PHP programs, you also need to pay attention to whether the character set encoding of the database and web pages is unified, otherwise it will also cause the problem of garbled Chinese characters.

2. Browser display problem
The garbled code problem may also be caused by the browser. When the browser encoding method is inconsistent with the web page encoding method, Chinese garbled code problems will also occur. At this point, developers can try to change the browser's encoding to solve the problem.

3. Wrong output method
In PHP programs, if the wrong method is used to output content, the problem of Chinese garbled characters will also occur. Common error output methods include using echo, print, print_r, var_dump and other output functions. These functions are not processed when outputting Chinese, so garbled characters are prone to occur.


To solve the problem of Chinese garbled characters, you need to find the root cause of the problem. Here are several solutions.

1. Use the correct encoding method
When developing PHP programs, you should use the correct encoding method. Among them, UTF-8 is the most commonly used character set encoding format and can support encoding in multiple languages, including Chinese, English, Korean, etc. For Chinese programs, it is recommended to use UTF-8 encoding.

2. Set the database character set
When using the database for data query operations, you need to set the character set encoding of the database to be the same as that of the PHP program, otherwise the problem of Chinese garbled characters will occur. In order to solve this problem, you need to set the connection character set to UTF-8 when establishing a database connection.

3. Use the correct output method
When using the output function, developers need to pay attention to choosing the correct output method to avoid the problem of Chinese garbled characters. For example, when outputting Chinese, you can use the header function to set response header information, or use the iconv function to convert character sets to avoid the problem of Chinese garbled characters.

4. Use the meta tag in the header of the HTML file
Add the tag in the header of the HTML file to specify the encoding format and character set to avoid garbled characters caused by the browser's inability to recognize the character set.

In short, PHP Chinese garbled characters are a common problem, and developers need to take it seriously and adopt the correct solution. Only after mastering the correct solution can we better carry out PHP development work.

The above is the detailed content of Solutions to the causes of Chinese garbled characters in PHP [Summary]. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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