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How to read and write raw format files in php

2023-03-24 16:11:521292browse

PHP is a large and flexible programming language often used for web development. When we need to process binary data or unconventional data formats, PHP provides many methods to meet our needs. Among them, setting raw format files is a relatively common requirement, so here I will briefly introduce how to achieve it.

In PHP, we usually use the fopen() function to open files, but if we need to open a raw file type, we need to open it in binary mode. This can be achieved by passing in the "b" parameter in fopen(), the code is as follows:

$fp = fopen('example.raw', 'rb');

Among them, 'r' represents read-only mode, and 'b' represents binary mode. By using this mode, we can ensure that PHP will not perform any formatting, transcoding, etc. operations on the read and write data, but only read and write the data intact.

After opening a raw file, we can use the fread() function to read a certain number of bytes from the file. The code is as follows:

$data = fread($fp, 10);

The code will start at the file pointer Read 10 bytes of data and store it into the $data variable. It should be noted that we must specify the number of bytes to read, and the number of bytes read must be less than or equal to the number of bytes currently readable in the file, otherwise a read error will occur.

Similarly, we can also use the fwrite() function to write data to a raw file. The code is as follows:

fwrite($fp, $data);

This code will write to the file stored in $data The data in the variable. Similar to the fread() function, we must specify the number of bytes to be written, and the number of bytes written must be less than or equal to the number of bytes currently writable in the file, otherwise a write error will occur.

In addition to using functions such as fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), etc. to operate raw files, we can also use functions such as file_get_contents(), file_put_contents(), file(), etc. to quickly read and write files. data in. Similarly, we also need to specify the binary mode when using these methods.

To sum up, to set up a raw format file in PHP, we only need to open the file in binary mode, and then use the corresponding function to read and write the file. It should be noted that when we use these functions to read and write files, PHP will not perform any formatting, transcoding, etc. operations on the data, so we need to ensure that the format of the data matches our expectations, otherwise data corruption may occur. And other issues.

The above is the detailed content of How to read and write raw format files in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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