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A brief analysis of how to convert timestamp to date in php

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In PHP development, timestamp is a common date format. It is an integer in seconds that identifies the number of seconds since 0:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970. Although timestamps are widely used in development, their representation is not intuitive and is not conducive to programmers' use. Therefore, converting timestamps to dates has become a common need in PHP development. In this article, we will explore how to convert timestamp to date in php.

1. Use the date() function

In PHP, use the date() function to convert the timestamp into date format. This function has two parameters, the first parameter is the format string of the date, and the second parameter is the timestamp to be converted.

The following is an example:

$timestamp = 1614334751;
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
echo $date;

This example converts the timestamp 1614334751 into date format, and the output result is "2021-02-26 09:52:31".

2. Use the DateTime class

After PHP 5.2 version, we can use the DateTime class to complete the timestamp conversion. This class provides a convenient interface to help us easily implement timestamp conversion.

The following is an example:

$timestamp = 1614334751;
$date = new DateTime("@$timestamp");
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');

This example also converts the timestamp 1614334751 into date format, and the output result is "2021-02-26 09:52:31".

3. Time zone processing

In PHP, time zone plays an important role in the conversion of dates and timestamps. We can use the date_default_timezone_set() function to set the time zone.

The following is an example:

$timestamp = 1614334751;
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
echo $date;

In this example, we set the time zone to Asia/Shanghai, so that when converting the timestamp, the operation will be performed according to that time zone.

4. Other date formats

In php, in addition to the standard date format "Y-m-d H:i:s", other dates can also be used Format, for example:

  • Y: output the 4-digit year;
  • m: output the 2-digit month (with leading zero);
  • d: Output the 2-digit day (with leading zeros);
  • H: hour in 24-hour format;
  • i: minutes (with leading zeros);
  • s: Seconds (with leading zeros);
  • l: The complete text form of the day of the week;

The above are some common date formats, developers can use them as needed during actual use Make format adjustments.


In PHP development, converting timestamp to date is a basic and important operation. We can use the date() function and the DateTime class to accomplish this work, and we need to pay attention when dealing with time zones. This article introduces some common date formats and hopes to be helpful to readers.

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