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Reasons and solutions for why php output json cannot be parsed [Summary]

2023-03-23 16:35:272009browse

As a common programming language, PHP is widely used in web development, and its ways of interacting with the front-end are also diverse. Among them, outputting Json data is a common interaction method, but sometimes you encounter the problem that Json cannot be parsed.

1. Json data format

Before solving the problem, let us first understand the Json data format.

Json is a lightweight data exchange format widely used in web development. Its data format is in the form of key-value pairs. Keys and values ​​are separated by ":", and multiple key-value pairs are separated by ",". The format of Json data is as follows:

    "name": "Linda",
    "age": 20,
    "gender": "female",
    "hobbies": ["reading", "dancing", "swimming"],
    "address": {
        "province": "Guangdong",
        "city": "Guangzhou",
        "district": "Tianhe"

In PHP, you can use the json_encode() function to convert arrays or objects into Json format data.

2. The problem of being unable to parse Json

So, when we use the json_encode() function to output Json data in PHP, why can't it be parsed? ? Several possible reasons are listed below.

1. The output Json data format is wrong

Because the format of Json data is relatively strict, just a small error may cause Json to be unable to be parsed. If the Json format is incorrect, parsing failure is a normal result.

Solution: You can copy the Json data format to a Json validator (such as https://www.json.cn/) for verification, and modify it according to the error prompts.

2. Encoding format does not match

The encoding format of Json data must be consistent with the encoding format of parsed Json data, otherwise the parsing will fail.

Solution: You can use JsonSchema to convert the encoding of Json data into the same encoding format as the encoding format for parsing Json data.

3. Process special characters

If there are special characters (such as '\', '"', etc.) in the Json data content, they need to be escaped, otherwise they will not be parsed.

Solution: Use escape characters to escape special characters, such as escaping double quotes as \".

4.PHP version issue

When the PHP version is lower, Json-related functions may not be supported, resulting in Json being unable to be parsed.

Solution: You can upgrade the PHP version or manually download the Json library from Json.org, and then compile it into a module available for PHP.

3. Summary

Outputting Json data is a very common interaction method in web development, but sometimes you encounter the problem that Json cannot be parsed. Methods to deal with this problem can be to check the data format of Json, handle special characters, upgrade the PHP version, etc. Only after you understand the Json data format and the method of outputting Json data can you make better use of it.

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