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A brief analysis of SQL modification syntax and usage in PHP

2023-03-22 09:30:071467browse

The SQL modification statement in PHP is a command used to update existing data in the database. It can modify the data value of one or all records in the table. This article will introduce in detail the syntax and usage of SQL modification statements in PHP.

1. Syntax

In PHP, the syntax of the SQL modification statement is as follows:

UPDATE 表名 SET 字段名 = 新值 WHERE 条件;

Among them, UPDATE represents the type of SQL statement to be executed; The table name is the name of the database table to be modified; SET specifies the fields to be modified and the corresponding new values; the WHERE clause is used to filter rows that meet the conditions.

2. Example

Suppose we have a table called users, which has three fields id, name and age. We need to change the age of the user with id 2 is 25. The corresponding SQL statement is as follows:

UPDATE users SET age = 25 WHERE id = 2;

After executing this statement, the age of the user with id 2 in the users table will be updated to 25.

3. Notes

  1. In the UPDATE statement, there must be spaces on the left and right sides of the "=" symbol in the SET clause, otherwise an error will be reported;
  2. The WHERE clause can be omitted, but this will cause the data of all rows to be updated;
  3. The UPDATE statement will only update rows that meet the WHERE condition. If there are no rows that meet the condition, there will be no Any data is updated;
  4. If multiple conditions are used in the WHERE clause, they need to be connected using AND or OR;
  5. When writing SQL statements, you should use preprocessing statement to prevent SQL injection attacks.

4. Prepared statements

Preprocessed statements are a technology used to prevent SQL injection attacks. They can parameterize SQL statements The value is separated from the execution process, so that the attacker cannot affect the execution of the SQL statement by entering harmful data. The following is an example of using prepared statements to write an UPDATE statement:

// 连接数据库
$conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database');

// 使用预处理语句
$stmt = $conn->prepare('UPDATE users SET age = ? WHERE id = ?');

// 绑定参数
$stmt->bind_param('ii', $age, $id);

// 设置参数值
$age = 25;
$id = 2;

// 执行SQL语句

By using prepared statements, we can avoid SQL injection attacks and ensure the security of the database.


SQL modification statement in PHP is a very common operation, which allows us to modify the data in the database table. In this article, we introduced the syntax and usage of SQL modification statements, and introduced how to use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection attacks. I hope to be helpful.

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