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Various PHP training thoughts may benefit you!

2020-11-19 15:14:312806browse

The following are the opinions of major netizens about PHP training that I collected from the Internet. They are all true feelings. I hope it will be helpful to friends who want to learn PHP and master PHP skills. Maybe you can learn from them. Something valuable!

Various PHP training thoughts may benefit you!

php training thoughts

Netizen 1 (Amu guy):

I have been learning PHP for two years, and I always feel that I should write down some experience, so that fellow travelers learning PHP can avoid some detours. I remember that when I first started learning PHP, I thought it was the easiest language in the world. But when I started learning it, I didn’t think it was very easy. On the contrary, it was a little more difficult than when I first started learning C, but I felt it was efficient. It's quite high. At least I can use PHP MySQL to build my own system. When I first learned PHP, our teacher asked us to do database course design, and then we used VC to do it. I hated VC at the time because of the interface. I didn't like the style of coding, so I started using PHP while learning. At that time, I was searching for information on my own, and then I started to explore slowly, and slowly implemented the functions one by one. I remember naming them with abcd, but later I found that the readability was really poor, because now when I look at the originally written code, it is very blurry. I didn’t know which module was where, but now I discovered that the naming of files and variables is also very important. Not only does it allow others to easily understand your code, but it also makes it easier for you to check it when you use the code in the future. And now we are getting exposed to various frameworks. At the beginning, our team was building a system for college entrance examination selection and university selection. At that time, we were exposed to Yii, and then we opened a public platform on WeChat, and then also contacted Thinkphp. Don’t learn too much about the PHP framework. Just master one and be able to use it in your own life and work. I am also on the road now. In short, let’s go slowly.

Netizen 2 (Fanxing Jiujiu MAX):

When I first started learning PHP, I felt that it was very cumbersome to have to type a "$" sign every time. Compared with the readability of Java, PHP gives people the feeling that something that was originally very simple has been made very complicated.

After a long time, you will find that PHP is far simpler than Java.

However, all this can be reflected in the speed of development. It feels very fast to use PHP to build a website, and you can get started quickly. If you use a good IDE, you will find that in fact, the code is not particularly cumbersome. In the object-oriented field, If you are used to Java or C#, you will find that you are not used to the style of PHP. However, the operation of PHP to access the database is very simple, just a few functions are enough. There is no cumbersomeness of Java. The course of PHP dynamic web design requires not only We have mastered the basics of static web design, and we are required to have a certain foundation in language learning. We have learned C language and have a certain understanding of the grammar knowledge of other high-level languages. Therefore, it is not necessary to understand some grammar-related knowledge in PHP. It is very difficult. It is recommended that colleagues who do not know the grammar of high-level languages ​​learn more about the grammar of high-level languages. At the same time, master the design of static web pages.

Generally, PHP is a full-site engineer, who can complete the construction of a website, front-end, back-end, and pages alone. We cannot write PHP dynamic web pages without static web pages. This is the basis.

Netizen 3 (Time90):

After reading php for two days, I felt like vomiting.

I understand today that in Php, html, js, and php can work together. I have many misunderstandings about the front-end.

The syntax of PHP is as tiring as Java, but it is very different in the operation of arrays. In this way, both js and php solve the problem of storing data by improving the function of arrays. There is no container such as vector like java. In fact, Java's vector container is also based on array encapsulation.

The biggest gain today is the creation of database tables. A big principle when building tables is that there should be no redundant data between tables. In the past, the watches built in schools were based on random wishes.


In short, if you want to succeed in learning, you have to work hard and sweat!

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The above is the detailed content of Various PHP training thoughts may benefit you!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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