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How to turn off error reporting in php

2020-08-20 11:09:141942browse

php method to turn off error reporting: 1. Add the relevant code to the php program code, the code is [error_reporting(E_ALL^E_NOTICE^E_WARNING)]; 2. Modify [display_errors=On] in the phpini file is off.

How to turn off error reporting in php

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php close error Reporting method:

The easiest way is to add the following code directly to the php program code:

The code is as follows:


You can turn off all notices and warnings level error.

Put this statement in the function include file of your script, usually config.php or conn.php to control the output.

Of course I can also set it in php.ini. The method is as follows

Open the php.ini file in the PHP installation directory

Find it display_errors = On Change to display_errors = off

Note: If you have copied the PHP.ini file to the windows directory, you must also copy c:windows/ display_errors = On in php.ini is changed to display_errors = off

Solution to the failure of display_errors = Off in PHP .ini


PHP The display_errors = Off has been set in the php.ini setting file, but during operation, error messages still appear on the web page.


Open the php.ini file in the PHP installation directory

Find log_errors = off and modify it to log_errors = on

Find error_log = filename and modify it For error_log="D:PHPerrlogphp_error.log" (the directory and file name here

D:PHPerrlogphp_error.log is whatever you choose)

Note: If you have copied the PHP.ini file To the windows directory, you must also copy the c:windows/php.ini file.

In addition, php_error.log must have at least USER's modification and write permissions, otherwise the error log cannot be output.

It is often seen that error_reporting (7) means: setting the level of error message reporting.

value   constant   
  1   E_ERROR     
  2   E_WARNING     
  4   E_PARSE     
  8   E_NOTICE     
  16   E_CORE_ERROR     
  32   E_CORE_WARNING     
  64   E_COMPILE_ERROR     
  128   E_COMPILE_WARNING     
  256   E_USER_ERROR     
  512   E_USER_WARNING     
  1024   E_USER_NOTICE     
  2047   E_ALL     
  2048   E_STRICT

However, 7=1 2 4

means that when an error occurs, 1 E_ERROR 2 E_WARNING 4 E_PARSE

The code is as follows:

Related recommendations : Programming Video Course

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