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Detailed introduction to PHP dynamic web design principles

2019-09-06 10:47:007921browse

Detailed introduction to PHP dynamic web design principles

The so-called dynamic web page refers to a web page programming technology that is opposite to static web pages. For static web pages, as the HTML code is generated, the content and display effect of the page will basically not change - unless you modify the page code. This is not the case with dynamic web pages. Although the page code does not change, the displayed content can change with time, environment or the results of database operations.


(1) Dynamic web pages are generally based on database technology, which can greatly reduce the workload of website maintenance;

(2) Websites using dynamic web page technology can implement more functions, such as user registration, user login, online survey, user management, order management, etc.;

(3) Dynamic web pages do not actually exist independently on the server For web page files on the web page, the server will only return a complete web page when the user requests it;

(4) The "?" in dynamic web pages poses certain problems to search engine retrieval. It is generally impossible for search engines to retrieve a complete web page from a Access all web pages in the website's database, or due to technical considerations, the content after the "?" in the URL is not captured during the search. Therefore, websites using dynamic web pages need to do certain technical processing when promoting search engines. To meet the requirements of search engines.

Design principle:

1. Users type the URL in the web browser (client) to access the website. This link also contains the HTML page of the HTML form.
2. The browser is connected to the Apache server, and the HTML and PHP files that make up the website are stored in the server. Apache serves the client's request (by following the rules in its configuration file to find the relevant page and sends it back) and sends the client a web page containing only an HTML form.
3. The user fills out the form on the Web server and submits the form to the server.
4. After the Apache server receives the submitted form, it loads the relevant files to process the content submitted in the form. The file contains PHP code that links to the database. The PHP code is passed from Apache to the PHP interpreter (interpreter) and run by the interpreter. PHP connects to a MySQL database (which may be on the same computer or on another computer, it's the same). After connecting to the MySQL database, use SQL to query the information. SQL is a language specifically designed for communicating with databases.
5. MySQL database accepts SQL requests and looks for information. Once the information is found, the results are sent back to the requesting PHP script.
6. The PHP script receives the results from the MySQL database and uses the received results to construct an HTML page, and then sends the page back to the web browser client.
7. The web browser receives the HTML results of the query and displays them to the user.

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