Eclipse Navigate menu
Browse Eclipse workspace
The Navigate menu provides multiple menus that allow you to quickly locate specified resources.

The three menu items Open Type, Open Type in Hierarchy and Open Resource in the above picture are very useful.
Open Type
The Open Type menu item opens a dialog box in which Java type files can be found.
You can enter the class name in the input box to search. The '*' sign indicates 0 or more letters, and the '?' sign indicates that a single letter can be used to specify the pattern. All matching patterns will be displayed in the dialog box.

Just select the file you are looking for in the list.
Eclipse will open an editor showing the selected type. If the source code cannot be displayed for the selected type, the class file editor will be used to display the bytecode for the selected type.

You can click the Attach Source button to view the source code corresponding to the class file.
The source code is located in the compressed file in the Java home directory.
Open Type in Hierarchy
The Open Type in Hierarchy menu allows the user to view the inheritance hierarchy of a class in the Type Hierarchy view.

Select the specified class in the Type Hierarchy view to see the definition information of the class, including the corresponding attributes and methods:

Open Resource
The open resource menu can be used to find files in the workspace.
The '*' sign indicates 0 or more letters, and the '?' sign indicates that a single letter can be used in the specified pattern. All matching patterns will be displayed in the dialog box.

Select the file you want to open and click the OK button.