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Which one is more useful, access or mysql?

little bottle
little bottleOriginal
2019-05-13 09:36:288776browse

A friend asked which one is more useful, access or mysql? This is the same as saying which of two people is more powerful. This all depends on the situation. Specific issues will be analyzed in detail. Here I would like to talk to you.

Which one is more useful, access or mysql?

A brief introduction.

access is a file database, and MySQL is a server database.

File databaseIt can also be called an embedded database. It can only be accessed by a single machine, does not require additional independent processes, and takes up relatively few resources.

Server databaseCan run across hosts through IP addresses, requiring additional processes to run it.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages:

As a file-based database, access is relatively lightweight, takes up less resources, and is simple to operate. The disadvantage is that it is only suitable for scenarios with small total data volume and low data throughput. For example, it is a good choice for storing program configurations and is often used in clients, stand-alone applications and small websites. If you choose a large server such as MySQL at this time, it feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

For large-scale systems, MySQL is more suitable, especially when the total amount of data is very large and frequent reading and writing occurs. Typical applications are large and medium-sized websites, game servers, and those with a large number of simultaneous visits. Because MySQL is a server, it also supports simultaneous access by multiple applications (including servers) for data sharing and exchange, which is also difficult to achieve with Access.

To summarize, the question of who is more useful depends on the situation. When the total amount of data is small and the data throughput is low, access can be used. Using mysql feels like overkill. For large-scale systems, MySQL is more suitable, especially when the total amount of data is very large and frequent reading and writing occurs.

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