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Analysis of the problem of uploading images with MySQL+SSM+Ajax (picture)

2018-05-11 15:14:112799browse

This article mainly introduces the problem of MySQL+SSM+Ajaxuploading images. Has very good reference value. Let’s take a look with the editor below

It was my first time to write the code for uploading images, and I encountered many problems. I worked on it all day yesterday and finally succeeded in the evening. Cheers loudly.

However, after finishing it, there are still many questions that I can’t figure out. So here it can be considered as writing a note. If you forget it in the future, you can review it. It can also be regarded as asking friends from all walks of life. (^_^)

Q.1. It is said on the Internet that Ajax cannot upload files, but there are not many people saying this, and there are still many people sharing files uploaded through Ajax.

I didn't make it through Ajax. In the end, I wrote it through the AjaxSubmit method.

Q.2. Does the AjaxSubmit method have a default limit on the size of file upload? If I choose a file larger than 100KB, it will not be uploaded successfully, but if it is smaller than 100KB, it will be successful.

When uploading more than 100KB, the browser console returns the following prompt. It means that he still executed the success method of ajaxSubmit and returned the value of textStatus as success, but the HTML code content returned by XMLHttpRequest, and errorThrown's responseseText is what I did in spring- Exception handling View web page configured in web.xml.

Analysis of the problem of uploading images with MySQL+SSM+Ajax (picture)

##js Code (submit form event ):

function postImg(){
 if ($.trim($("#imgFile").val()) == "") { 
 var option = {
  url : '/cloudnote/user/insertUserPhoto.do',
  type : 'POST',
//  dataType : 'json',
  headers : {"ClientCallMode" : "ajax"}, //添加请求头部
  success : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){
  error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
 return false; 

Front-endHTML form


The following is the background java code (Controller)

 @RequestMapping(value="/insertUserPhoto.do",method = RequestMethod.POST)
 public void insertUserPhoto(
   HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res){
  System.out.println("----- 插入图片 -------");
   String id = req.getParameter("userId"); 
   MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) req;
   MultipartFile file = multipartRequest.getFile("imgFile");
   byte[] photo = file.getBytes();
   boolean result = serv.insertUserPhoto(id, photo); 
   res.getWriter().write("result:" + result);   
  }catch(Exception e){
  System.out.println("----- 插入图片end -------");
  * 读取用户头像
  * @param req
  * @param res
 @RequestMapping(value="/readPhoto.do", method=RequestMethod.GET)
 public void readPhoto(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res){
  String id = Utils.getSessionUserId(req);
  try {
   User user = serv.selectUserPhoto(id);
   OutputStream outputStream = res.getOutputStream(); 
   InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(user.getPhoto()); 
   int len = 0; 
   byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; 
   while((len = in.read(buf,0,1024)) != -1){ 
    outputStream.write(buf, 0, len);
  } catch (IOException e) { 
  System.out.println("-----readPohto end-----");

Service implementation class

 public User selectUserPhoto(String id) throws ImageException {
  User user = userDao.findUserById(id);
  if(user == null){
   throw new UserNameException("用户名不存在!");
  Map data = userDao.selectUserPhoto(id);
  user.setPhoto((byte[]) data.get("photo"));
  return user;
 public boolean insertUserPhoto(String userId, byte[] photo) throws ImageException, UserNameException {
  if(userId == null || userId.trim().isEmpty()){
   throw new UserNameException("用户id不存在");
  User user = userDao.findUserById(userId);
  if(user == null){
   throw new UserNameException("用户不存在");
  int n = userDao.updateUserPhoto(user);
  System.out.println("插入图片:" + n);
  return n==1?true:false; 

The photo of the entity class User is of byte[] type;

The photo of the database is longblob:

Analysis of the problem of uploading images with MySQL+SSM+Ajax (picture)

mapper mapper:

  UPDATE user set id = #{id}, photo = #{photo,jdbcType=BLOB}  
  WHERE id = #{id}

Spring-web.xml configuration


The above is the detailed content of Analysis of the problem of uploading images with MySQL+SSM+Ajax (picture). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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