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Tutorial on installing MySQL-5.7 under Linux (picture and text)

2017-03-12 14:23:052309browse

This article is for MySQL5.7 installation tutorial under Linux. Other versions may be slightly different and are for reference only.

Step one: Download mysql

##//m.sbmmt.com/xiazai/gongju/ 116

Step 2: Unzip the file

Since I downloaded the file in my local software directory , in order to facilitate management, first move this file to the /usr/local directory

mv /software/mysql-5.7.17-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar /usr/ local

Next go to the moved directory cd /usr/local, and then unzip the tar zxvf mysql-5.7.17-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar

After decompression, you can change the decompressed file name to mysql to facilitate subsequent operations: mv mysql-5.7.17-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64 mysql

Step 3: Configure the startup file

##Go to the directory that was decompressed and renamed mysql and there will be the following files

Then go to the support-files directory

1. Copy my.cnf to /etc/my.cnf (when mysqld starts Automatically read)

cp my-default.cnf /etc/my.cnf

Note: If you install the Linux virtual machine at the same time If the default mysql is selected, after performing the above steps, the terminal will prompt you whether the file already exists or not. Just enter yes to overwrite it.

2. Configuration database encoding

vi /etc/my.cnf

In this document You can add the following configuration information (if any modifications are required)





3、 Copy mysql.server to the /etc/init.d/ directory [Purpose is to achieve automatic execution at boot]

Execute the command: cp mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql (mysql is the service name)

4. Modify /etc/init.d/mysql parameters

vi /etc/init.d/mysql
Give 2 directory locations
5. For security and convenience, create a special user for operating the database

## 1), groupadd mysql #Create a mysql group

2), useradd -r -g mysql mysql #Create a mysql user and put the user in the mysql group
3), passwd mysql #Set a password for the mysql user
 4). Change the owner of the directory /usr/local/mysql chown -R mysql:mysql /usr/local/mysql/

Step 4: Initialize the mysql database

First go to the bin directory of mysql

./mysqld --initialize --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data

Generate a data directory, indicating that the database has been initialized successfully
And the root user of mysql generates a temporary password: SHNq8Qvd2g>L (it is best to record this temporary password first)

2. Encrypt the database
./mysql_ssl_rsa_setup --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data

3. Start mysql (in order to prevent the process from being stuck, you can add & after the command to start mysql to indicate that the process is running in the background)
./mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

4. Check ps -ef|grep mysql

If the above process is found, it means the startup is successful. .

Step 5: Enter the client

1. Log in./mysql -uroot -p and press Enter Enter the previous temporary password
2. Change the password
set password=password('new password');

Step 6: Set up remote access

#1. Before remote access, you need to configure the firewall systemctl stop firewalld.service (not recommended, you can configure and open port 3306)

2, authorization

mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to remote access username@'%' identified by 'user password ';
mysql>select host,user from user; [One more remote login user record]
mysql>flush privileges;(Refresh)

Use the remote machine to access at this time

##Parsing: Use mysql -h host ip -u username -p password can be used for remote access

Step 7: Set up auto-start at boot

1. Add service mysql
chkconfig --add mysql [mysqld -install]
2. Set the mysql service to automatic
chkconfig mysql on
3. Restart the viewing process
init 6
ps -ef|grep mysql

Step 8: Configure environment variables

#In order to facilitate operation, it is still necessary to configure environment variables.

vi /etc/profile
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH

Summary: At this point, the basic configuration is basically completed.

Related tutorials:

Tutorial on installing mysql5.7 under windows (picture and text)

Installing MySQL5.7 under CentOS7 Steps (pictures and text)

The above is the detailed content of Tutorial on installing MySQL-5.7 under Linux (picture and text). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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