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Detailed introduction to the wget command of Linux

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2017-05-24 14:03:41 2283browse

This article mainly introduces the Linux wget command in detail and teaches you how to use wget. It has a certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it

Linux wget is a download file tool, which is used on the command line. It is an essential tool for Linux users, especially for network administrators, who often need to download some software or restore backups from remote servers to local servers. If we usevirtual host, to handle such a transaction we can only download it from the remote server to our computer disk first, and then use the ftp toolto uploadto the server. This is a waste of time and energy, and there's nothing you can do about it. When it comes to Linux VPS, it can be downloaded directly to the server without going through the upload step. The wget tool is small in size but has complete functions. It supports breakpoint download function, supports FTP and HTTP download methods, supports proxy servers and is convenient and simple to set up. Below we explain how to use wget in the form of examples.

1. Use wget to download a single file

The following example downloads a file from the network and saves it in the current directory

wget http://cn.wordpress.org/wordpress-3.1-zh_CN.zip

During the download process, theprogress barwill be displayed, including (download completion percentage, downloaded bytes, current download speed, remaining download time).

2. Use wget -O to download and save it with a different file name

wget defaults to the last character that matches "/" for the command. Dynamically linked downloads often have incorrect file names.
Error: The following example will download a file and save it with the name download.php?id=1080

wget http://www.centos.bz/download?id=1

Even though the downloaded file is in zip format, It still starts with download.php?id=1080 command.
Correct: In order to solve this problem, we can use the parameter -O to specify a file name:

wget -O wordpress.zip http://www.centos.bz/download.php?id=1080

3. Use wget –limit -rate limit Fast download

When you execute wget, it will occupy all possible bandwidth downloads by default. But when you are going to download a large file and you also need to downloadotherfiles, it is necessary to limit the speed.

wget –limit-rate=300k http://cn.wordpress.org/wordpress-3.1-zh_CN.zip

4. Use wget -c to resume the interrupted download

Use wget -c to restart the interrupted download File:

wget -c http://cn.wordpress.org/wordpress-3.1-zh_CN.zip

is very helpful when we download a large file and it is suddenly interrupted due to network and other reasons. We can continue to download instead of re-downloading a file. You can use the -c parameter when you need to continue an interrupted download.

5. Use wget -b background download

When downloading very large files, we can use the parameter -b to perform background download.

wget -b http://cn.wordpress.org/wordpress-3.1-zh_CN.zip

Continuing inbackground, pid 1840.
Output will be written to `wget-log'.

You can use the following command to check the download progress

tail -f wget-log

6. Disguise proxy name download

Some websites can reject your download request by judging that the proxy name is not a browser. But you can disguise it through the --user-agent parameter.

wget –user-agent=”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.16 (KHTML, like Gecko)Chrome/10.0.648.204 Safari/534.16″ Download link

7. Use wget –spider to test the download link

When you plan to perform scheduled downloads, you should test the download at the scheduled time Whether the link is valid. We can add the –spider parameter to check.

wget –spider URL

If the download link is correct,

wget –spider URL Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Remote file exists and could contain further links, but recursion is disabled — not retrieving.

will be displayed. This ensures that the download can be carried out at the scheduled time. But when you give the wrong link, the following error will be displayed

wget –spider url Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists. HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found Remote file does not exist — broken link!!!

You can use the spider parameter in the following situations:

Timing Check before downloading
Check whether the website is available at intervals
Check the dead links of the website page

8. Use wget –tries to increase the number of retries

It may also fail if there is a network problem or downloading a large file. By default, wget retries 20 times to connect and download files. If necessary, you can use --tries to increase the number of retries.

wget –tries=40 URL

9. Use wget -i to download multiple files

First, save a download link file

cat > filelist.txt
Then use this file and the parameter -i to download

wget -i filelist.txt

10. Use wget –mirror mirror website

The following example is to download the entire website to the local.

wget –mirror -p –convert-links -P ./LOCAL URL
-P ./LOCAL:保存所有文件和目录到本地指定目录

11、使用wget –reject过滤指定格式下载


wget –reject=gif url

12、使用wget -o把下载信息存入日志文件


wget -o download.log URL

13、使用wget -Q限制总下载文件大小


wget -Q5m -i filelist.txt


14、使用wget -r -A下载指定格式文件



wget -r -A.pdf url

15、使用wget FTP下载


wget ftp-url


wget –ftp-user=USERNAME –ftp-password=PASSWORD url

wget是在Linux下开发的开放源代码的软件,作者是Hrvoje Niksic,后来被移植到包括Windows在内的各个平台上。它有以下功能和特点:


wget虽然功能强大,但是使用起来还是比较简单的,基本的语法是:wget [参数列表] URL。下面就结合具体的例子来说明一下wget的用法。


wget http://place.your.url/here

这个命令可以将http://place.your.url/here 首页下载下来。使用-x会强制建立服务器上一模一样的目录,如果使用-nd参数,那么服务器上下载的所有内容都会加到本地当前目录。

wget -r http://place.your.url/here

这 个命令会按照递归的方法,下载服务器上所有的目录和文件,实质就是下载整个网站。这个命令一定要小心使用,因为在下载的时候,被下载网站指向的所有地址同 样会被下载,因此,如果这个网站引用了其他网站,那么被引用的网站也会被下载下来!基于这个原因,这个参数不常用。可以用-l number参数来指定下载的层次。例如只下载两层,那么使用-l 2。

要是您想制作镜像站点,那么可以使用-m参数,例如:wget -m http://place.your.url/here


wget -c http://the.url.of/incomplete/file

使用断点续传要求服务器支持断点续传。-t参数表示重试次数,例如需要重试100次,那么就写-t 100,如果设成-t 0,那么表示无穷次重试,直到连接成功。-T参数表示超时等待时间,例如-T 120,表示等待120秒连接不上就算超时。


如果有多个文件需要下载,那么可以生成一个文件,把每个文件的URL写一行,例如生成文件download.txt,然后用命令:wget -i download.txt



wget -m –reject=gif http://target.web.site/subdirectory

表示下载http://target.web.site/subdirectory,但是忽略gif文件。–accept=LIST 可以接受的文件类型,–reject=LIST拒绝接受的文件类型。




http-proxy =
ftp-proxy =
使用参数–proxy=on/off 使用或者关闭代理。


wget [参数列表] [目标软件、网页的网址]

-V,–version 显示软件版本号然后退出;
-e,–execute=COMMAND 执行一个 “.wgetrc”命令

-o,–output-file=FILE 将软件输出信息保存到文件;
-q,–quiet 不显示输出信息;
-i,–input-file=FILE 从文件中取得URL;

-t,–tries=NUMBER 是否下载次数(0表示无穷次)
-O –output-document=FILE下载文件保存为别的文件名
-nc, –no-clobber 不要覆盖已经存在的文件
-T,–timeout=SECONDS 设置超时时间
-Y,–proxy=on/off 关闭代理

-nd,–no-directories 不建立目录
-x,–force-directories 强制建立目录


-r,–recursive 下载整个网站、目录(小心使用)
-l,–level=NUMBER 下载层次

-A,–accept=LIST 可以接受的文件类型
-L,–relative 下载关联链接
–follow-ftp 只下载FTP链接
-H,–span-hosts 可以下载外面的主机
-X,–exclude-directories=LIST 拒绝的目录

中文文档名在平常的情况下会被编码, 但是在 –cut-dirs 时又是正常的,

wget -r -np -nH –cut-dirs=3 ftp://host/test/


wget -r -np -nH -nd ftp://host/test/ %B4%FA%B8%D5.txt wget “ftp://host/test/*” %B4%FA%B8%D5.txt

由 於不知名的原因,可能是为了避开特殊档名, wget 会自动将抓取档名的部分用 encode_string处理过, 所以该 patch 就把被 encode_string 处理成 “%3A” 这种东西, 用 decode_string 还原成 “:”,并套用在目录与档案名称的部分,decode_string 是 wget 内建的函式。

wget -t0 -c -nH -x -np -b -m -P /home/sunny/NOD32view/ http://downloads1.kaspersky-labs.com/bases/ -o wget.log




3.Linux tutorial

4.Teach you how to install Nginx server in Linux

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