>기사>백엔드 개발> PHP에서 숫자 값을 십진수로 변환하는 방법

PHP에서 숫자 값을 십진수로 변환하는 방법

藏色散人 원래의
2021-11-19 10:21:33 1454검색

php实现数值转十进制的方法:1、创建一个PHP示例文件;2、通过“function show_convert_to_base_10 ($number, $base){...}”方法将任意进制的数转换成十进制即可。

PHP에서 숫자 값을 십진수로 변환하는 방법

本文操作环境:windows7系统、PHP7.1版、DELL G3电脑





Convert the base $base number $number to a base 10 number:
"; print "Convert the integer component ($integer) of the number:
"; // Compute the value of the integer component // Loop through the integer digit by digit // Reverse the number for easier handling $integer = strrev ($integer); $length = strlen ($integer); for ($pos = 0; $pos < $length; ++$pos) { /* PHP lets you treat strings and numbers like arrays Specify an offset and get the character at that position */ $digit = $integer[$pos]; // Handle character values for digits // (for bases greater than 10) if (eregi ('[a-z]', $digit)) { $digit_value = (ord (strtolower ($digit)) - ord ('a')) + 10; $digit = "$digit ($digit_value)"; } else { $digit_value = $digit; } // Multiply the current digit by the radix // raised to the power of the current position $result = $digit_value * pow ($base, $pos); print "Multiply the value of the digit at position $pos by the value of the radix ($base) raised to the power of the position ($pos):
"; print "$digit * $base$pos = $result

"; $sums[] = $result; } print '
'; if (isset ($decimal)) { print "Convert the decimal component (0.$decimal) of the number:
"; // Pad the number with a leading 0 so that we can // start at position 1 $decimal = '0'.$decimal; $length = strlen ($decimal); for ($pos = 1; $pos < $length; ++$pos) { $digit = $decimal[$pos]; // Handle character values for digits // (for bases greater than 10) if (eregi ('[a-z]', $digit)) { $digit_value = (ord (strtolower ($digit)) - ord ('a')) + 10; $digit = "$digit ($digit_value)"; } else { $digit_value = $digit; } // Multiply the current digit by the radix // raised to the power of the current position $result = $digit_value * pow (1/$base, $pos); print "Multiply the value of the digit at position $pos by the value of the 1/radix ($base) raised to the power of the position ($pos):
"; print "$digit * 1/$base$pos = $result

"; $sums[] = $result; } print '
'; } $sums = implode (' + ', $sums); eval ("\$base_10_value = $sums;"); print "
The value of the base $base number $number in base 10 is $base_10_value.
"; print "This number is derived from the sum of the values of the previous operations ($sums).

"; }


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