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Summary of methods for operating arrays in js (code)

2018-08-23 15:16:211619browse

What this article brings to you is a summary (code) of methods for operating arrays in js. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to you.

1. Find the position of the element item in the given array arr

function indexOf(arr, item) {
  if (Array.prototype.indexOf){ //判断原型中是否支持该方法
      return arr.indexOf(item);
  } else {      
  for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){          
  if (arr[i] === item){              
  return i;
  return -1;

2. Calculate the sum of all elements in the given array arr

function sum(arr) {
    var s = 0;
    arr.forEach(function(val, idx, arr) {
        s += val;
    }, 0);    
    return s;
function sum(arr) {
    return eval(arr.join("+"));

3. Remove all elements in the array arr whose values ​​are equal to item. Do not modify the array arr directly. The result will be a new array

function remove(arr,item){
    var newarr = arr.slice(0);    
    for(var i=0;i

4. Remove all elements in the array arr whose values ​​are equal to item and operate directly on the given arr array. , and return the result

function removeWithoutCopy(arr, item) {
    for(var i=0; i

5. Add the element item at the end of the array arr. Do not modify the array arr directly. The result will be a new array

var append = function(arr, item) {
    var length = arr.length,
        newArr = [];    
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {

    return newArr;
function append(arr, item) {
    var newArr=arr.slice(0);
    return newArr;

6. Delete the last element of the array arr. Do not modify the array arr directly, the result will be a new array

function truncate(arr) {
    return arr.slice(0,-1);
function truncate(arr) {
    return arr.filter(function(v,i,ar) {
        return i!==ar.length-1;
function truncate(arr) {
    var newArr=[];
    [].push.apply(newArr, arr);
    newArr.pop();    return newArr;
//利用join+split+pop    注意!!!:数据类型会变成字符型
function truncate(arr) {
    var newArr = arr.join().split(',');
    return newArr;

7. Add the element item at the beginning of the array arr. Do not modify the array arr directly. The result will be a new array

function prepend(arr, item) {
    return [item].concat(arr);
function prepend(arr, item) {
    var newArr=[item];
    [].push.apply(newArr, arr);    
    return newArr;
function prepend(arr, item) {
    var newArr=arr.slice(0);
    return newArr;

8. Delete the first element of the array arr. Do not modify the array arr directly, the result will be a new array

function curtail(arr) {
    return arr.slice(1);
function curtail(arr) {
    return arr.filter(function(v,i) {
        return i!==0;
function curtail(arr) {
    var newArr=[];
    [].push.apply(newArr, arr);
    return newArr;

9. Merge array arr1 and array arr2. Do not modify the array arr directly. The result will be a new array

function concat(arr1, arr2) {
    return arr1.concat(arr2);
function concat(arr1, arr2) {
    var newArr=arr1.slice(0);
    [].push.apply(newArr, arr2);    
    return newArr;
function concat(arr1, arr2) {
    var newArr=arr1.slice(0);    
    for(var i=0;i

10. Add the element item at the index of the array arr. Do not modify the array arr directly, the result will be returned as a new array

//利用slice+splicefunction insert(arr, item, index) {
    var newArr=arr.slice(0);
    newArr.splice(index,0,item);    return newArr;
}//利用push.apply+splicefunction insert(arr, item, index) {
    var newArr=[];
    [].push.apply(newArr, arr);
    newArr.splice(index,0,item);    return newArr;

11. Count the number of occurrences of elements in the array arr whose value is equal to item

        function count(arr, item) {
            var count = arr.filter(function(a) {
                return a === item;   //返回true的项组成的数组
            return count.length;
        function count(arr, item) {
            var count = 0;
            arr.map(function(a) {
                if(a === item) {
            return count;
        function count(arr, item) {
            var count = 0;
            arr.forEach(function(a) {
                a === item ? count++ : 0;
            return count;

12. Find the repeated elements in the array arr

function duplicates(arr) {
     var a = [],b = [];     
     for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){         
             b[arr[i]] = 1;             
     for(var i = 0; i < b.length; i++){         
     if(b[i] > 1){
     return a;
 function duplicates(arr) {
    var a=arr.sort(),b=[];    
    for(var i in a){        
    if(a[i]==a[i-1] && b.indexOf(a[i])==-1) b.push(a[i]); 
    return b;
//先排序然后再判断function duplicates(arr) {
    var new_arr = arr.sort();//先把arr排序
    var res = [] ;//目标容器
    for( var i = 0 ; i < new_arr.length ; i++){        
    if(new_arr[i] == new_arr[i+1] &&
        new_arr[i] !=new_arr[i-1]){//判断是否重复,是否已经放入容器
    return res;

13. Find the second power of each element in the array arr. Do not modify the array arr directly, the result will be a new array

function square(arr) {
     var a = [];
     return a;
 // 使用map
  function square(arr) {
      return arr.map(function(e) {
          return e * e;
  // ES6箭头函数版
  const square = arr => arr.map(e => e * e);

14. In the array arr, find all positions where the element whose value is equal to item appears

function findAllOccurrences(arr, target) {
    var a=[];
    return a;
function findAllOccurrences(arr, target) {
var temp = [];
        val !== target ||  temp.push(index);
    return temp;
function findAllOccurrences(arr, target) {
    var result=[];
        return item===target&&result.push(index);
    return result;

Related recommendations:

Summary of js array operation methods (must read)

Explain the basic methods of Js array operation

The above is the detailed content of Summary of methods for operating arrays in js (code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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