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Introduction to JS asynchronous programming

2018-07-07 09:52:252432browse

This article mainly introduces the introduction to JS asynchronous programming, which has certain reference value. Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to it

JS asynchronous programming ( 1)

1.1 What is asynchronous

Asynchronous (async) is relative to Sync (sync) , easy to understand.

Synchronization is the execution of one thing. The next task can only be executed after the previous task has been executed. And AsynchronousFor example:

setTimeout(function cbFn(){    console.log('learnInPro');
}, 1000);console.log('sync things');

setTimeout is an asynchronous task. When the JS engine sequentially executes setTimeout and finds that it is an asynchronous task, it will suspend the task. Start and continue executing the following code. The callback function cbFn will not be executed until 1000ms later. This is asynchronous. When setTimeout is executed, JS will not wait stupidly for 1000ms to execute the cbFn callback function, but will continue to execute the following code.

1.2 Why use asynchronous in JS

Since javascript is single-threaded, it can only run on the main thread of the JS engine , so js code can only be executed line by line, and multiple js code tasks cannot be executed at the same time. This results in that if there is a long calculation, or an IO operation such as an ajax request, if there is no asynchronous , the user will wait for a long time, and because the current task has not been completed, all other operations will be unresponsive at this time.

1.3 Then why is JS not designed to be multi-threaded?

This is mainly related to the history of javascript. js was originally used to handle some form validation and DOM operations. was created, so it adopts the single-threaded mode mainly for the lightweight and simplicity of the language. Multi-threaded model is much more complicated than single-threaded. For example, multi-threading needs to deal with the sharing of resources between threads, and also needs to solve issues such as state synchronization.

If JS is multi-threaded, when you want to perform the operation of inserting a DOM into p, and another thread performs the operation of deleting the p, many problems will occur at this time. We also need Add lock mechanism etc. for this purpose.

Okay, so now we know that single-threaded JS will use asynchronous processing in order to avoid long-term waiting. For example, when performing an ajax operation, when js sends a request, it will not wait for the server data to return, but will continue to perform subsequent tasks, and wait until the server data returns before notifying the js engine to process it.

So what are the common asynchronous patterns?

  • Callback function

  • Event listening

  • Publish/subscribe mode (also known as observer mode )

  • promise

Later in ES6, the Generator function was introduced; in ES7, async/await brings asynchronous programming into a new stage.

We will discuss these asynchronous modes in detail later, but here we have a concept.

1.4 How does JS implement asynchronous operations

How does JS implement asynchronous operations?

The answer is JS’s event loop mechanism (Event Loop).


When JS is parsed and executed, it will be divided into two types of tasks by the engine, Synchronous tasks (synchronous) and Asynchronous task (asynchronous).

For synchronous tasks, they will be pushed to the execution stack to execute these tasks in order.
For an asynchronous task, when it can be executed, it will be placed in a task queue (task queue) to wait for the JS engine to execute.

When all synchronization tasks in the execution stack are completed, the JS engine will go to the task queue to check whether there is a task, and put the task into the execution stack for execution. After execution, it will go to the task queue again. Check to see if there are any tasks that can already be executed. This loop checking mechanism is called Event Loop.

对于任务队列,其实是有更细的分类。其被分为 微任务(microtask)队列 & 宏任务(macrotask)队列


宏任务: setTimeout、setInterval等,会被放在宏任务(macrotask)队列。

微任务: Promise的then、Mutation Observer等,会被放在微任务(microtask)队列。

Event Loop的执行顺序是:

  1. 首先执行执行栈里的任务。

  2. 执行栈清空后,检查微任务(microtask)队列,将可执行的微任务全部执行。

  3. 取宏任务(macrotask)队列中的第一项执行。

  4. 回到第二步。

注意: 微任务队列每次全执行,宏任务队列每次只取一项执行。


setTimeout(() => {    console.log('我是第一个宏任务');
    Promise.resolve().then(() => {        console.log('我是第一个宏任务里的第一个微任务');
    Promise.resolve().then(() => {        console.log('我是第一个宏任务里的第二个微任务');
}, 0);

setTimeout(() => {    console.log('我是第二个宏任务');
}, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(() => {    console.log('我是第一个微任务');


  • // 执行同步任务

  • // 我是第一个微任务

  • // 我是第一个宏任务

  • // 我是第一个宏任务里的第一个微任务

  • // 我是第一个宏任务里的第二个微任务

  • // 我是第二个宏任务

1.5 JS异步编程模式


  • 回调函数

  • 事件监听

  • 发布/订阅模式

  • Promise

  • Generator

  • async/await

1.5.1 回调函数



function asyncFn() {
    setTimeout(() => {        console.log('asyncFn');
    }, 0)
}function normalFn() {    console.log('normalFn');

normalFn();// normalFn// asyncFn


function asyncFn(callback) {
    setTimeout(() => {        console.log('asyncFn');
    }, 0)
}function normalFn() {    console.log('normalFn');

asyncFn(normalFn);// asyncFn// normalFn

1.5.2 事件监听



1.5.3 发布/订阅模式(又称观察者模式)





// 先实现一个消息中心的构造函数,用来创建一个消息中心function MessageCenter(){    var _messages = {}; // 所有注册的消息都存在这里

    this.regist = function(){}; // 用来注册消息的方法
    this.subscribe = function(){};  // 用来订阅消息的方法
    this.fire = function(){};   // 用来发布消息的方法}


function MessageCenter(){    var _messages = {};    // 对于regist方法,它只负责注册消息,就只接收一个注册消息的类型(标识)参数就好了。
    this.regist = function(msgType){        // 判断是否重复注册
        if(typeof _messages[msgType] === 'undefined'){
            _messages[msgType] = [];    // 数组中会存放订阅者
        }else{            console.log('这个消息已经注册过了');
    }    // 对于subscribe方法,需要订阅者和已经注册了的消息进行绑定
    // 由于订阅者得到消息后需要处理消息,所以他是一个个的函数
    this.subscribe = function(msgType, subFn){        // 判断是否有这个消息
        if(typeof _messages[msgType] !== 'undefined'){
        }else{            console.log('这个消息还没注册过,无法订阅')
    }    // 最后我们实现下fire这个方法,就是去发布某条消息,并通知订阅这条消息的所有订阅者函数
    this.fire = function(msgType, args){    
        // msgType是消息类型或者说是消息标识,而args可以设置这条消息的附加信息

        // 还是发布消息时,判断下有没有这条消息
        if(typeof _messages[msgType] === 'undefined') {            console.log('没有这条消息,无法发布');            return false;
        }        var events = {
            type: msgType,
            args: args || {}



var msgCenter = new MessageCenter();

msgCenter.subscribe('A', subscribeFn);function subscribeFn(events) {    console.log(events.type, events.args);

// -----setTimeout(function(){
    msgCenter.fire('A', 'fire msg');
}, 1000);// A, fire msg





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