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How to implement vue component reuse in actual projects

2018-06-09 15:40:531427browse

This time I will bring you how to implement vue component reuse in actual projects. What are the precautions for how to implement vue component reuse in actual projects? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

1. What is a component

Component (Component) is one of the most powerful features of Vue.js. Components can extend HTML elements, encapsulating reusable code.

2. Component usage

Components need to be registered before they can be used. There are two ways of registration: global registration and local registration.

2.1 After global registration, any V ue instance can be used. For example:       



Vue.component('my-component',{   template: '


' }); var app1 = new Vue({   el: '#app1' });

To use this component in the parent instance, you must register it before the instance is created, and then you can use the component in the form of

The DOM structure of template must be contained by an element. If it is written directly as "here is the content of the component", it will not be rendered without "

". (And the outermost layer can only have one root


2.2 In a Vue instance, you can use the component option to register a component locally. The registered component is only valid within the scope of the instance. For example:



var app2 = new Vue({   el: '#app2',   components:{    'my-component1': {      template: '


'    }   } });

2.3 data must be a function

In addition to the template option, components can also use other options like Vue instances, such as data, computed, methods, etc. But when using data, it is slightly different from the example. data must be a function, and then the data is returned.



Vue.component('my-component3',{   template: '


',   data: function(){     return {       message: '组件内容'     }   } }); var app3 = new Vue({   el: '#app3' });

Generally, the returned object should not refer to an external object, because if the returned object refers to an external object, then this object is shared, and modifications by either party will be synchronized.

So generally a new independent data object is returned to the component.

Supplement: vue-router component reuse issue

The component system is an important part of Vue, it can combine a complex page The abstraction is decomposed into many small, independent, reusable components, and the application is composed by combining the components. Combined with the routing function of vue-router, each component is mapped to the corresponding route, and the changes in the routing are used to tell Vue where to render. They implement jump navigation between various components and pages.


When using vue-router to switch routes, it will trigger the update of the component tree and render a new component tree according to the defined route. The general switching process is as follows of:

- Deactivate and remove unnecessary components
- Verify the feasibility of switching
- Reuse components that have not been updated
- Enable and activate new components

For specific route switching control process, please refer to the official document: Switching Control Pipeline

How does vue-router determine that a certain component can be reused? Let’s take a look at the following routing configuration:

  path: 'post/:postId',
  name: 'post',
  component: resolve => require(['./components/Post.vue'],resolve)

This is the route that loads the corresponding article page through the article ID. When accessed for the first time, the Post.vue component will be rendered into the component tree, and the mounted component will be installed. When we obtain the article content through the article ID and display it on the page, when we access another article, the routing parameter: postId changes. According to our expectations, the content of the new article should be displayed, but it backfires.

What we see is still the previous article. Although the routing parameters have changed, vue-router will think that you are accessing the Post.vue component. Since the component has been rendered before, it will be copied directly. Use the previous component and will not perform any operations in the component including life cycle functions such as mounted.

So what we finally see is the content of the original component.

So how can we achieve the desired effect? An effective solution is introduced below


We can use the watch listener to monitor routing changes. According to the routing The parameters change to respond to the corresponding data. The specific implementation process is as follows:

Define the data acquisition method

First define a method to obtain articles, and obtain the corresponding article information from the background according to the article ID .

methods: {
  getPost(postId) {
    this.$http.get(`/post/get_post/${postId}`).then((response) => {
      if(response.data.code === 0){
        this.post = response.data.post;

Listening route


watch: {
  '$route' (to, from) {
    if(to.name === 'post'){



mounted() {







The above is the detailed content of How to implement vue component reuse in actual projects. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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