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How to dynamically add tr and td of a table in ajax

2018-06-05 15:45:561879browse

This time I will show you how ajax can dynamically add tr and td of a table, and what are the precautions for how ajax can dynamically add tr and td of a table. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

Function: ajax gets the background return data and dynamically adds tr/td to the table

html part:

ajax part:

var year = $('#year').val();//下拉框数据
var province= $('#province').val();//下拉框数据
$('table tbody').html('');
        case '0':
            $('table tbody').prepend('暂无数据');break;
        case '1':
var $tr = $(""+
var $table = $('table tbody');

php background (thinkPHP processing):

$year = I('get.year');
$province = I('get.province');
$condition = array();
$year && $condition = array('eq',$year);
$province && $condition = array('eq',$province);
$dataList = M('Plan')->where($condition)->select();
if(false != $dataList){
  $data['msg'] = '1';
  $data['data'] = $dataList;
  echo json_encode($data);
  $data['msg'] = '0';
  $data['data'] = '';
  echo json_encode($data);

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. Please pay attention for more exciting things. Other related articles on php Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

Using try-catch statements and error types in JS

The above is the detailed content of How to dynamically add tr and td of a table in ajax. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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