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How to use vue components for data transfer

2018-05-29 17:52:342356browse

This time I will show you how to use vue components for data transfer, and what are the precautions for using vue components for data transfer. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

Vue's component scopes are all isolated and do not allow direct

references to the data of the parent component in the template of the child component. Specific methods must be used to transfer data between components. There are roughly three situations in which data is passed between components:

The parent component passes data to the child component, and the data is passed through props.

The child component passes data to the parent component and passes the data through events.

Transfer data between two sibling components through event bus.

1. Parent component passes data to child component

Child component part:

In child. In vue, msg is a variable defined in data. Use props: ['msg'] to get the value of msg from the parent component

Parent component part:

When calling the component, Use v-bind to bind the value of msg to the variable message defined in parent.vue, so that the value of message in parent.vue can be passed to child.vue.

Single data flow

When the message of the parent component changes, the child component will automatically update the

view. But in child components, we don't want to modify props. If you must modify these data, you can use the following method:

Method 1: Assign prop to a local variable, and then modify the local variable if you need to modify it, without affecting prop

export default {
    return {
      newMessage: null
  props: ['message'],
    this.newMessage = this.message;
Method 2: Process the prop in the calculation of


export default {
  props: ['message'],
  computed: {
      return this.message + ' 哈哈哈';

2. The child component passes data to the parent component

The subcomponent mainly passes data to the parent component through practice.

The subcomponent part:

In the html of the subcomponent, when the value in the input changes, the username is passed to parent.vue.

First declare a sendUser method and use change

event to call sendUser.

In sendUser, use $emit to traverse the changeName event and return this.name, where changeName is a custom event, which functions like a relay. This.name will be passed to the parent through this event components.

Parent component part:

Declare a getUser method in the parent component, use the changeName event to call the getUser method, and obtain the parameter username passed from the child component

The parameter msg in the getUser method is the parameter uesrname passed from the subcomponent.

3. Data transfer between components at the same level

Sometimes two components also need to communicate (non-parent-child relationship). Of course Vue2.0 provides Vuex, but in simple scenarios, an empty Vue instance can be used as the central event bus.

In component c1:

In component c2:

In actual application, the bus is generally extracted:

import Vue from 'vue'
const Bus = new Vue()
expore default Bus
Component call When referenced (import Bus from './Bus.js')

However, in this way of introduction, the local scope of the Bus may appear after being packaged by webpack, that is, two different Buses are referenced. Resulting in normal communication

Practical application:

Inject Bus into the Vue root object

import Vue from 'vue'
const Bus = new Vue()
var app= new Vue({

this.$root.Bus.$on() in the subcomponent , this.$root.Bus.$emit() to call

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

How to use WebPack to configure vue multi-page

How to use the Node.js sandbox environment

The above is the detailed content of How to use vue components for data transfer. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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