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How to implement JS synchronization, asynchronousness, and lazy loading

2018-05-23 14:35:052009browse

This time I will bring you how to implement JS synchronization, asynchronous, and delayed loading, and what are the precautions for implementing JS synchronization, asynchronous, and delayed loading. The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

1: Synchronous loading

The most commonly used method.

Synchronous mode, also known as blocking mode , will prevent the browser from subsequent processing and stop subsequent parsing. Only when the current loading is completed, the next step can be performed. Therefore, synchronous execution is safe by default. But if there are behaviors such as outputting document content, modifying DOM, redirection, etc. in js, it will cause page congestion. Therefore, it is generally recommended to place the HTML5 new attributes: async and defer attributes

defer attribute: It appears in IE4.0. There will be no document.write and dom modifications in the defer attribute declaration script. The browser will download other scripts with defer attributes in parallel. without blocking subsequent processing of the page. Note: All defer scripts must be executed in order.

async attribute: HTML5 new attribute. The script will be executed as soon as possible after downloading. The function is the same as defer, but there is no guarantee that the script will be executed in order. They will complete before the onload event.

Firefox 3.6, Opera 10.5, IE 9 and the latest Chrome and Safari are Supports async attributes. You can use async and defer at the same time, so that all IE after IE 4 support asynchronous loading.

Without the async attribute, the script will be obtained (downloaded) and executed immediately, blocking the browser's subsequent processing. If there is an async attribute, the script will be downloaded and executed asynchronously, while the browser continues subsequent processing.

总结: 对于支持HTML5的浏览器,实现JS的异步加载只需要在script元素中加上async属性,为了兼容老版本的IE还需加上defer属性;对于不支持HTML5的浏览器(IE可以用defer实现),可以采用以上几种方法实现。原理基本上都是向DOM中写入script或者通过eval函数执行JS代码,你可以把它放在匿名函数中执行,也可以在onload中执行,也可以通过XHR注入实现,也可以创建一个iframe元素,然后在iframe中执行插入JS代码。








var start = Number(new Date());
while(start + 5000 > Number(new Date())){//执行JS}







The above is the detailed content of How to implement JS synchronization, asynchronousness, and lazy loading. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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