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Summary of angular+routerlink jump methods

2018-05-14 11:55:094612browse

This time I will bring you a summary of the angular routerlink jump method. What are the precautions in the angular routerlink jump method summary? The following is a practical case, let’s take a look.


In addition to using Router's navigate() method to switch routes, Angular2 also provides a command to Enhance a DOM object into a routing entry:

template : `

RouterLink instruction adds click event monitoring to the host DOM object, and calls Router's navigate() method when triggered. routing.

However, this article mainly introduces the relevant content about Angular’s ​​RouterLink fancy jump. It is shared for everyone’s reference and study. I won’t say much below, let’s take a look at the detailed introduction.

routerLink itself supports two writing methods:

What are the writing methods for the value of routerLink, and what are the differences?

Assume that the current route is


Writing method 1: Absolute path / route name


Then the url is

http:/ Jump to /localhost:4200/#/doc/demo, that is, http://localhost:4200/#/ the absolute path you want to jump to.

Writing 2: A routing name routing name


Then the url is http://localhost:4200/#/doc/license/(demo), that is, http ://localhost:4200/#/doc/license is the absolute path you want to jump to. At this time, it will add something to your route to become /(demo), and the jump will not work.

Writing method 3: relative path../route name


Then the url is

http://localhost:4200/#/doc/ demo, that is, http://localhost:4200/#/doc is the relative path you want to jump to. It will start looking at the previous level.

Writing method 4: ./route name, that is, the current route you write to jump to the route


Then the url is

http: //localhost:4200/#/doc/license/demo, that is, http://localhost:4200/#/doc/license is the relative path you want to jump to. It will look for this matching route and jump from the next level of the current route.

| More API usage is updated on github

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of Summary of angular+routerlink jump methods. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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