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Use jQuery to implement advertising scrolling and fade-in and fade-out

2018-04-19 13:54:201861browse

This time I will bring you the use of jQuery to implement advertising scrolling and fade-in and fade-out. What are the precautions for using jQuery to implement advertising scrolling and fade-in and fade-out. Here are practical cases, let’s take a look.

The following is the source code for scrolling up and down

www.jb51.net 向上滚动代码带上下翻按钮滚动特效










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The following is the jq plug-in source code

        if(!opt) var opt={};
        var _btnUp = $("#"+ opt.up);//Shawphy:向上按钮
        var _btnDown = $("#"+ opt.down);//Shawphy:向下按钮
        var timerID;
        var _this=this.eq(0).find("ul:first");
        var   lineH=_this.find("li:first").height(), //获取行高,此处行高固定但是当文字伟一行或者两行时,要动态获取吧??
            line=opt.line?parseInt(opt.line,10):parseInt(this.height()/lineH,10), //每次滚动的行数,默认为一屏,即父容器高度
            speed=opt.speed?parseInt(opt.speed,10):500; //卷动速度,数值越大,速度越慢(毫秒)
            timer=opt.timer //?parseInt(opt.timer,10):3000; //滚动的时间间隔(毫秒)
        if(line==0) line=1;
        var upHeight=0-line*lineH;
        var scrollUp=function(){
            _btnUp.unbind("click",scrollUp); //Shawphy:取消向上按钮的函数绑定
                // for(i=1;i<=line;i++){
                //     _this.find("li:first").appendTo(_this);
                // }
                _btnUp.bind("click",scrollUp); //Shawphy:绑定向上按钮的点击事件
        var scrollDown=function(){
        var autoPlay = function(){
            if(timer)timerID = window.setInterval(scrollUp,timer);
        var autoStop = function(){
        _btnUp.css("cursor","pointer").click( scrollUp ).hover(autoStop,autoPlay);//Shawphy:向上向下鼠标事件绑定
        _btnDown.css("cursor","pointer").click( scrollDown ).hover(autoStop,autoPlay);

In addition, I will post another copy, the deleted script

        if(!opt) var opt={};
        var _btnUp = $("#"+ opt.up);//Shawphy:向上按钮
        var _btnDown = $("#"+ opt.down);//Shawphy:向下按钮
        var timerID;
        var _this=this.eq(0).find("ul:first");
            speed=opt.speed?parseInt(opt.speed,10):500; //卷动速度,数值越大,速度越慢(毫秒)
            timer=opt.timer?parseInt(opt.timer,10):2000; //滚动的时间间隔(毫秒)
        var scrollUp=function(){
            _btnUp.unbind("click",scrollUp); //Shawphy:取消向上按钮的函数绑定
                marginTop: -_this.find("li:first").height()
                _btnUp.bind("click",scrollUp); //Shawphy:绑定向上按钮的点击事件
        var scrollDown=function(){
        var autoPlay = function(){
            if(timer) setIntervalT = window.setInterval(scrollUp,timer);
        var autoStop = function(){
        _btnUp.css("cursor","pointer").click( scrollUp ).hover(autoStop,autoPlay);//Shawphy:向上向下鼠标事件绑定
        _btnDown.css("cursor","pointer").click( scrollDown ).hover(autoStop,autoPlay);

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

Detailed graphic and text explanation of JS array deduplication

JS string traversal, interception, output, Calculation operations

The above is the detailed content of Use jQuery to implement advertising scrolling and fade-in and fade-out. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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