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How to send emails through qq mailbox in python3

2018-03-12 10:09:301836browse

This time I will bring you python3 How to send emails through qq mailbox, what are the precautions for sending emails through qq mailbox in python3, the following is a practical case, let’s take a look one time.

Understand SMTP of qq mailbox

QQ mailbox POP3 and SMTP server address settings are as follows:

Mailbox POP3 server (port 995) SMTP server (port 465 or 587)

qq.com pop.qq.com smtp.qq.com

The SMTP server requires authentication.

1. Turn on the smtp service of qq mailbox

How to turn on the POP3/SMTP/IMAP function?

In order to ensure the security of users' mailboxes, QQ mailboxes are set with POP3/SMTP/IMAP switches. The system default setting is "off". Please "enable" when users need these functions. First, log in to your email and go to Settings - Account;

How to send emails through qq mailbox in python3

Then, in the "Account" settings, find the setting item and set it. As follows:

How to send emails through qq mailbox in python3

Finally, save the settings and open the corresponding service.

2. Code

import smtplibfrom email.mime.text import MIMETextfrom email.utils import formataddr
my_sender='XXXXXXX@qq.com'    # 发件人邮箱账号my_pass = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'              # 发件人邮箱密码(当时申请smtp给的口令)my_user='xxxxxx@xx.com'      # 收件人邮箱账号,我这边发送给自己def mail():
        msg['From']=formataddr(["发件人昵称",my_sender])  # 括号里的对应发件人邮箱昵称、发件人邮箱账号
        msg['To']=formataddr(["收件人昵称",my_user])              # 括号里的对应收件人邮箱昵称、收件人邮箱账号
        msg['Subject']="邮件主题-测试"                # 邮件的主题,也可以说是标题
        server=smtplib.SMTP_SSL("smtp.qq.com", 465)  # 发件人邮箱中的SMTP服务器,端口是465
        server.login(my_sender, my_pass)  # 括号中对应的是发件人邮箱账号、邮箱密码
        server.sendmail(my_sender,[my_user,],msg.as_string())  # 括号中对应的是发件人邮箱账号、收件人邮箱账号、发送邮件
        server.quit()# 关闭连接
    except Exception:# 如果 try 中的语句没有执行,则会执行下面的 ret=False
    return ret
ret=mail()if ret:

Note: If the recipient address is wrong, the code will still prompt "Email sent successfully". If the address is wrong, you will receive "From qq" in your qq mailbox .com's return letter"

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