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How to use python to determine image similarity

2018-03-08 13:47:553988browse

This time I will show you how to use python to determine the image similarity. What are the notes for using python to determine the image similarity, as follows: This is a practical case, let’s take a look at it.

python A very simple example of judging the similarity of images. It is just an example and the accuracy may not be very high. Mainly introduce the principle: first convert the picture to a 12x12 pixel grayscale picture--get the average grayscale of the picture--traverse the 10x10 pixels inside the picture (remove the surrounding 1 pixel)--compare each pixel with the average value

from PIL import Image
import os
#import hashlib 
def getGray(image_file):
   for h in range(0,  image_file.size[1]):#h
      for w in range(0, image_file.size[0]):#w
         tmpls.append( image_file.getpixel((w,h))  )
   return tmpls
def getAvg(ls):#获取平均灰度值
   return sum(ls)/len(ls)
def getMH(a,b):#比较100个字符有几个字符相同
   dist = 0;
   for i in range(0,len(a)):
      if a[i]==b[i]:
   return dist
def getImgHash(fne):
   image_file = Image.open(fne) # 打开
   image_file=image_file.resize((12, 12))#重置图片大小我12px X 12px
   for h in range(1,  image_file.size[1]-1):#h
      for w in range(1, image_file.size[0]-1):#w
         if image_file.getpixel((w,h))>=avg:#像素的值比较平均值 大于记为1 小于记为0
   return bitls
   m2 = hashlib.md5()  
   print m2.hexdigest(),bitls
   return m2.hexdigest()
files = os.listdir("./Test")#图片文件夹地址自行替换
for file in files:
   print file,u'相似度',str(compare)+'%'

Size--If it is large, then string add 1, otherwise add 0 (I choose string saving here, in fact there are many methods)--The next step is traverse the pictures in the folder , compare the similarity, and return the similarity

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of How to use python to determine image similarity. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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