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Detailed explanation of components and templates of Vue.js

2018-01-20 09:46:432068browse

Instructions are an important feature in Vue.js. They mainly provide a mechanism to map data changes to DOM behaviors. Let me share with you the components and templates of Vue.js through this article. Friends who need it can refer to it. I hope it can help everyone.


Directive is an important feature in Vue.js. It mainly provides a mechanism to map data changes to DOM behavior. Then changes in cross-data are mapped to DOM behaviors. Vue.js is driven by data, so we will not directly modify the DOM structure, and there will be no occurrences like $('ul').append('

  • one< /li>') such an operation, when the data changes, the instruction will modify the DOM with a set operation, so that you can only focus on the changes in the data without having to manage the changes and status of the DOM,

    Vue’s built-in instructions

    1. v-bind

    v-bind is mainly used to bind DOM element attributes (attributes),

    is the actual value of the element attribute It is provided by the data attribute in the vm instance.

    For example:



    v-bind can be abbreviated as ":",

    The above example can be abbreviated as

    The implementation effect is as follows:

    2. v-on

    Bind event listener, abbreviated as @.

    We also used it yesterday, let’s abbreviate it to see the effect




    The effect is as follows:


    v-html, the parameter type is string,

    is used to update innerHTML,

    The accepted string will not be compiled and other operations,

    according to ordinary HTML Processing

    The code is as follows


    The effect is as follows

    For more built-in instructions, please check the official website: Vue.js instructions


    html template

    Based on DOM templates, the templates are parsable and valid html


    Text: use "Mustache" syntax (Double braces) {{value}}

    Function: Replace the attribute value on the instance,

    When the value changes, the interpolation content will be automatically updated

    Native html: Double curly braces output text and will not parse html

    Attributes: Use v-bind for binding, which can respond to changes

    Use JavaScript expressions: you can write simple expressions

    String template

    template string

    The attribute of the template option object

    The template will replace the hanging element. Content hanging from the element will be ignored.

    The code is as follows



    Have you noticed any surprising changes?

    ## There can only be one root node

    Write the html structure in a pair of script tags and set type="X-template"



    to achieve the following effect:

    is written in the script tag , is still quite limited,

    If other files also have this structure,

    this cannot be reused.

    Template render function

    render function

    Attributes of render option object

    createElement(tag name, {data object}, [child element]);

    The sub-element is text or array

    Let’s use a piece of code to demonstrate


    The effect is as follows

    About For data object attributes, please refer to the examples on the official website.

    Related recommendations:

    Vue.js component communication example sharing

    About communication issues in Vue.js components

    What is a Vue.js component? Summary of Vue.js component usage

    The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of components and templates of Vue.js. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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