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How to build angular2 packaged Android APP environment

2017-10-23 09:26:004993browse

1. Preface

Some time ago, the company had an APP project that needed to support different platforms, so Ionic2 + cordova + angular2 was used. During the process of building the environment I encountered a lot of problems, and I just had time to sort them out recently.

2. Development environment construction

Refer to the steps of this website to build: https://github.com/DonaldTdz/Ionic2QuickStart

Note: nodejs must install the latest version 6.0 +LTS, do not install the latest version 8.X (https://nodejs.org/en/)

The Cordova version needs to install version 6.X. Currently, the cordova-android version can only support up to 6.X.X

cmd: cnpm install –g ionic cordova@6.x

cmd : ionic –v Cordova –v Check the displayed version number and the installation is successful

##3. Run an ionic seed Project

Download address:


Open the terminal with vs code and enter the command: cnpm install

Ionic serve Run the project

The web side runs the project successfully and the development environment is set up

Let’s start packaging to Android APP

4. Cordova packaging Android platform environment construction

Reference Official description:





Note: The Chinese website information is not the latest, visit The speed is relatively fast, and the English version is updated to the latest, but the access speed is slow

1. Install Java SDK

Java Development Kit (JDK)

Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 7 or latest.

When installing on Windows, you need to set the

JAVA_HOME environment variable according to the JDK path (see setting environment variables)

cmd: Java –version displays the version number and installed successfully

Java SDK environment variable configuration

JAVA_HOME configuration installation directory

Path configuration: %JAVA_HOME%\bin

Add CLASSPATH: .;%JAVA_HOME%\lib; (Note: If this environment variable exists, it needs to be checked)

2. Install Android SDK Tools

(Note: If you need to add the cordova plug-in, it is recommended to install Android Studio)

Android SDK

Install Android Stand-alone SDK or Android Studio. If you plan to develop a new Cordova Android plug-in or use the native tools of the Android platform to run and debug, then use Android Studio. Otherwise, the Android Stand-alone SDK Tools are sufficient for building and deploying Android applications.

Detailed installation instructions can be viewed by clicking the installation link above.

3. Add Android SDK package

Add SDK Package

After installing the Android SDK, you need to install any SDK packages for the target API level you wish. It is recommended that you install the highest level SDK package supported by cordova-android (see above).

Open the Android SDK Manager (e.g., run `android on the terminal) and make sure the following is installed:

  1. Android Platform SDK for the target Android version

  2. Android SDK build-tools, version 19.1.0 or above

  3. Android Support Repository (search in "Extras")

Refer to the Android documentation to install the SDK package for details.

First open the terminal of the project you just downloaded and run: cordova platform ls to view the android SDK version that cordova android depends on

The corresponding android API level in the following list is 16 -25 (http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/platforms/android/index.html)

Then download the corresponding dependency package

##Configure environment variables after successful installation


D:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk


D:\Program Files\Android \android-sdk\platform-tools

D:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools

##cmd: android –h View as follows Indicates successful installation

5. Package Android APP

1. Add Android platform

Ionic cordova platform add android

##2. Modify the dependency gradle to local

The reason is that the packaging operation of foreign websites is very slow or causes failure. You know

Download address:


(Note: If the download is slow, use a download tool such as Thunder)

To select the download version, first search distributions/gradle

We need the following Version: gradle-2.14.1-all.zip, to avoid downloading the wrong version

After downloading, no need to unzip it, just copy it directly to the following path of your project:

\app\platforms\android\gradle (Note: If it does not exist, you need to create one, pay attention to spelling errors)

Open the file you just searched: \platforms\android \cordova\lib\builders\GradleBuilder.js

Comment out the original and modify it to the local package../gradle-2.14.1-all.zip

3. Packaging application

ionic cordova build android

After the packaging is completed, an apk mobile installation package file will be output

# Installed to the phone and ran successfully! !

##6. Application signature and startup optimization

1 , Generate a signing key

Sign an applicationFirst you should read the requirements for Android application signing.

Using flags

To sign an application, you need the following parameters:

ParametersFlagsKeystore--keystore--storePassword--alias--password--keystoreTypepkcs12 or jks
Used to store a set of keys Binary file path Keystore Password
keystore storage key Alias
is used to specify the private key for signing Password
Password for private key Type of Keystore
Default: Automatic detection based on file extension

These parameters can be specified via the Cordova CLI build or run command above.

Note: You should use two dashes -- to represent these platform-specific parameters, for example:

cordova run android --release -- --keystore=../my-release-key.keystore --storePassword=password --alias=alias_name --password=password.

cmd to directory: D :\projects\dev\tz\saas\app\platforms\android (android platform root directory)

cmd:keytool -genkey -alias tzky.keystore -keyalg RSA -validity 40000 -keystore tzky.keystore

Complete the input according to the input prompts, refresh the android platform root directory after successful generation

2. Sign the application and package it

cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\tzky.keystore" --storePassword=yk1234 --alias=tzky.keystore

(Note: Automatically generate packaging configuration file release-signing .properties need to pay attention to the placement path of tzky.keystore to match)

Manually add the release-signing.properties file and modify it:

Run directly after the addition is completed :cordova build android –release

3. Optimize startup speed

ionic cordova build android --prod –release

(Note: Code optimization is required. If there are errors, modify them according to the error prompts)

Start optimization reference:http://blog.csdn.net /u010564430/article/details/61201769

Add the following content in the config.xml file:


The above is the detailed content of How to build angular2 packaged Android APP environment. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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