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Example of encapsulation of carousel chart plug-in in javascript

2017-07-17 16:16:341086browse

The example of this article shares the plug-in encapsulation code of the js carousel chart for your reference. The specific content is as follows

The specific code is as follows:

  function AutoBanner(curEleId,ajaxURL,interval){
    this.banner = document.getElementById(curEleId);
    this.bannerInner = utils.firstChild(this.banner);
    this.bannerTip = utils.children(this.banner,"ul")[0];
    this.bannerLink = utils.children(this.banner,'a');
    this.bannerLeft = this.bannerLink[0];
    this.bannerRight = this.bannerLink[1];
    this.pList = this.bannerInner.getElementsByTagName('p');
    this.imgList = this.bannerInner.getElementsByTagName('img');
    this.oLis = this.bannerTip.getElementsByTagName('li');

    this.jsonData = null;
    this.interval = interval || 3000;
    this.autoTimer = null;
    this.step = 0;
    this.ajaxURL = ajaxURL;
    return this.init();

  AutoBanner.prototype = {
      var _this = this;
      var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
      xhr.open("get",this.ajaxURL + "?_="+Math.random(),false);
      xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if(xhr.readyState ===4 && /^2\d{2}$/.test(xhr.status)){
          _this.jsonData = utils.formatJSON(xhr.responseText)
      var str = "",str2 = "";
        for(var i = 0,len=this.jsonData.length;i

'; i===0?str2+="
  • ":str2+="
  • " } } this.bannerInner.innerHTMl = str; this.bannerTip.innerHTML = str2; }, //延迟加载 lazyImg:function(){ var _this = this; for(var i = 0,len = this.imgList.length;i

    Little in the code world Bai, I need to call the carousel image of left and right conversion many times during my work, so I encapsulated it. But I always feel that the code I write is more cumbersome. The method is rather clumsy, please ask the master to simplify it and learn by the way. In addition, if the default value is top. There will be no animation effect.

    $.fn.zuoyouzhuan = function(options) {
            this.each(function(i, ele) {
                slide(ele, options)
            return this
        var slide = function(ele, options) {
            var des = $.extend({
                fangxiang: 'left',
                duoshaotu: '4',
                sudu: '3000'
            }, options)
            var $ele = $(ele)
            var $ul = $ele.find('ul')
            var $li = $ele.find('li')
            var x_width = $ele.find('li').width()
            var y_height = $ele.find('li').height()
            var num = $ele.find('li').length;
            if(des.fangxiang == "top") {
                var topmar = parseInt($li.css('margin-bottom'))
                var  boderw= parseInt($('li').css('border-width'))
                $ul.css({ 'heigth': (num * (y_height + topmar + boderw*2)) + 'px' });
            if(des.fangxiang == "left") {
                var  boderw= parseInt($('li').css('border-width'))
                var rightmar = parseInt($li.css('margin-right'))
                $ul.css({ 'width': (num * (x_width + rightmar+boderw*2)) + 'px' });
            var t;
            if(num > des.duoshaotu) {
                var t = setInterval(sidebarFlipAuto, des.sudu);
                function sidebarFlipAuto() {
                    if(des.fangxiang == "left") {
                        $ul.stop(true, true).animate({ "left": (x_width + rightmar) + 'px' }, 300, function() {
                            $ul.css("left", '0');
                    if(des.fangxiang == "top") {
                        $ul.stop(true, true).animate({ "top": (y_height + topmar) + 'px' }, 300, function() {
                            $ul.css("top", '0');
                $ul.hover(function() {
                }, function() {
                    t = setInterval(sidebarFlipAuto, 4000);
                $ele.find('span').eq(0).unbind('click').click(function() {
                    if(des.fangxiang == "left") {
                        $ul.css({ "left": (x_width + rightmar) + 'px' });
                        $ul.stop(true, true).animate({ "left": '0' }, 300);
                    if(des.fangxiang == "top") {
                        $ul.css({ "top": (y_height + rightmar) + 'px' });
                        $ul.stop(true, true).animate({ "top": '0' }, 300);
                $ele.find('span').eq(1).unbind('click').click(function() {

    The above is the detailed content of Example of encapsulation of carousel chart plug-in in javascript. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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