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How to solve the problem of two iframes calling each other jquery and js functions on the same page

2016-12-28 11:08:261237browse

I haven’t updated my blog this month. Alas, I’m lazy again. Today I solved a problem about two iframes calling each other jquery function methods.

There are two iframes in a.html, as follows :

b.html There is a treeview in it, which is called the left menu iframe

c.html is the data displayed after clicking on the treeview in b.html, which is called the right page iframe.

Since there is a relationship between the two pages, which exists in a.html, the two pages can call each other's Js methods.

ps: If there is no relationship between the two pages, then let them have a relationship before they can call each other. For example, if both pages reference a js file, then they can call each other.

For example, there is a button in


function btnAlert(index) {


function GetIndex(index) { 

Finally summarize:

If If the iframe of c.html is in b.html, then reference the following method

1, and call the parent class function method in the child iframe:


2, get the elements of the parent interface in the child Iframe:

$("#xx", window.parent.document);

This xx is what you want to get in the parent interface The ID of the element.

3, jquery calls the js method in the sub-iframe page:

iframefunction() is the method of the sub-page

$(window.parent.document).contents() .find("#iframename")[0].contentWindow.iframefunction();

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