I usually don’t read code written by others. Why? tired! Moreover, what this comrade gave was compressed! sweat. . . Test me, right? Also, this comrade did not give an example code, he only said that there was no problem with the code. I tried hard to "crack" it, but my brain cells died too quickly! Before I became an idiot, I decided not to look down. Isn't it just to add support for custom events to custom objects? Let me write an example. Even if it is a tutorial, if you can’t understand it, there is nothing I can do! I won't be stupid enough to write code for you and let you sell it for money!
Okay, here is the code I wrote, pay attention to it:
In the example, it is customized A: JCEvent, c1, c2, c3 are all instances of it.
Each instance has an oOutline, which I generally use as a container for objects. pParent is used to indicate where the custom object is displayed, which is equivalent to a placeholder. If not specified, it is document.body.
In the example, I defined three custom events: onCreate, onChangeSkin, onClick
onCreate is triggered in the create method.
onChangeSkin is triggered in the setSkin method.
onClick is triggered in oOutline.onclick.
Calling sequence:
Since onCreate is called in the create method, c1.onCreate must be declared before c1.create().
event parameters, see:
this.setSkin = function(pSkin){
var oldSkin = oOutline.className;
oOutline.className = pSkin;
if(typeof this.onChangeSkin == "function")
This way, you can use oldSkin and newSkin in each instance.
For example:
c1.onChangeSkin = function(pOld,pNew){
alert("onChangeSkin event n sets the skin of c1: n new skin: " pNew " n old skin: " pOld) ;
In addition, in the example:
$.$css = function(pKey,pValue,p){
var obj = p ? $.$ (p) : this;
obj.style[pKey] = pValue;
obj.$css = $.$css;
return obj;
This paragraph, Writing Object.prototype.$css = function(...) is absolutely unsuccessful. As for why, it is beyond the scope of discussion here.
I have nothing to say, so just leave it blank. For those who don’t understand, I’m trying to improve your JavaScript knowledge.
To make a digression: Don’t always deal with jQuery, prototype, json, etc.