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js 本地预览的简单实现方法_javascript技巧

2016-05-16 16:59:311084browse

复制代码 代码如下:

// JavaScript Document
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if('0'.replace(0,e)==0){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c];k=[function(e){return r[e]||e}];e=function(){return'([3-59cf-hj-mo-rt-yCG-NP-RT-Z]|[12]\\w)'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('4 $,$B,$A,$F,$D,$E,$CE,$S;(3(1K){4 O,B,A,F,D,E,CE,S;O=3(id){5"2f"==1L id?G.getElementById(id):id};O.emptyFunction=3(){};O.extend=3(Q,13,1v){9(1v===1K)1v=14;J(4 R x 13){9(1v||!(R x Q)){Q[R]=13[R]}}5 Q};O.deepextend=3(Q,13){J(4 R x 13){4 1j=13[R];9(Q===1j)continue;9(1L 1j==="c"){Q[R]=M.callee(Q[R]||{},1j)}N{Q[R]=1j}}5 Q};O.wrapper=3(me,15){4 1M=3(){me.T(Z,M)};4 1N=3(){};1N.17=15.17;1M.17=new 1N;5 1M};B=(3(U){4 b={18:/18/.P(U)&&!/1O/.P(U),1O:/1O/.P(U),2h:/webkit/.P(U)&&!/1P/.P(U),2i:/2i/.P(U),1P:/1P/.P(U)};4 1w="";J(4 i x b){9(b[i]){1w="2h"==i?"1k":i;1Q}}b.1k=1w&&1R("(?:"+1w+")[\\\\/: ]([\\\\d.]+)").P(U)?1R.$1:"0";b.ie=b.18;b.2j=b.18&&1T(b.1k,10)==6;b.ie7=b.18&&1T(b.1k,10)==7;b.2k=b.18&&1T(b.1k,10)==8;5 b})(1U.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());A=3(){4 p={isArray:3(2l){5 Object.17.toString.19(2l)==="[c 1V]"},1x:3(K,W,l){9(K.1x){5 1y(l)?K.1x(W):K.1x(W,l)}N{4 V=K.1l;l=1y(l)?0:l=V-1?V-1:l-1;l--){9(K[l]===W)5 l}5-1}}};3 11(c,u){9(1K===c.1l){J(4 o x c){9(y===u(c[o],o,c))1Q}}N{J(4 i=0,V=c.1l;i

var ImagePreview = function(file, img, options) {

 this.file = $(file);//文件对象
 this.img = $(img);//预览图片对象

 this._preload = null;//预载图片对象
 this._data = "";//图像数据
 this._upload = null;//remote模式使用的上传文件对象

 var opt = this._setOptions(options);

 this.action = opt.action;
 this.timeout = opt.timeout;
 this.ratio = opt.ratio;
 this.maxWidth = opt.maxWidth;
 this.maxHeight = opt.maxHeight;

 this.onCheck = opt.onCheck;
 this.onShow = opt.onShow;
 this.onErr = opt.onErr;

 this._getData = this._getDataFun(opt.mode);
 this._show = opt.mode !== "filter" ? this._simpleShow : this._filterShow;
ImagePreview.MODE = $B.ie7 || $B.ie8 ? "filter" :
 $B.firefox ? "domfile" :
 $B.opera || $B.chrome || $B.safari ? "remote" : "simple";
ImagePreview.TRANSPARENT = $B.ie7 || $B.ie6 ?
 "mhtml:" + document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1].getAttribute("src", 4) + "!blankImage" :

ImagePreview.prototype = {
  _setOptions: function(options) {
    this.options = {//默认值
  mode:  ImagePreview.MODE,//预览模式
  ratio:  0,//自定义比例
  maxWidth: 0,//缩略图宽度
  maxHeight: 0,//缩略图高度
  onCheck: function(){},//预览检测时执行
  onShow:  function(){},//预览图片时执行
  onErr:  function(){},//预览错误时执行
  action:  undefined,//设置action
  timeout: 0//设置超时(0为不设置)
    return $.extend(this.options, options || {});
  preview: function() {
 if ( this.file && false !== this.onCheck() ) {
  this._preview( this._getData() );

  _getDataFun: function(mode) {
 switch (mode) {
  case "filter" :
   return this._filterData;
  case "domfile" :
   return this._domfileData;
  case "remote" :
   return this._remoteData;
  case "simple" :
  default :
   return this._simpleData;
  _filterData: function() {
  return document.selection.createRange().text;
 } finally { document.selection.empty(); }
  _domfileData: function() {
 return this.file.files[0].getAsDataURL();
  _remoteData: function() {
 this._upload && this._upload.upload();
  _simpleData: function() {
 return this.file.value;

  _setUpload: function() {
 if ( !this._upload && this.action !== undefined && typeof QuickUpload === "function" ) {
  var oThis = this;
  this._upload = new QuickUpload(this.file, {
   onReady: function(){
    this.action = oThis.action; this.timeout = oThis.timeout;
    var parameter = this.parameter;
    parameter.ratio = oThis.ratio;
    parameter.width = oThis.maxWidth;
    parameter.height = oThis.maxHeight;
   onFinish: function(iframe){
     oThis._preview( iframe.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML );
    }catch(e){ oThis._error("remote error"); }
   onTimeout: function(){ oThis._error("timeout error"); }

  _preview: function(data) {
 if ( !!data && data !== this._data ) {
  this._data = data; this._show();

  _simplePreload: function() {
 if ( !this._preload ) {
  var preload = this._preload = new Image(), oThis = this,
   onload = function(){ oThis._imgShow( oThis._data, this.width, this.height ); };
  this._onload = function(){ this.onload = null; onload.call(this); }
  preload.onload = $B.ie ? this._onload : onload;
  preload.onerror = function(){ oThis._error(); };
 } else if ( $B.ie ) {
  this._preload.onload = this._onload;
  _simpleShow: function() {
 this._preload.src = this._data;

  _filterPreload: function() {
 if ( !this._preload ) {
  var preload = this._preload = document.createElement("div");
  $D.setStyle( preload, {
   width: "1px", height: "1px",
   visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute", left: "-9999px", top: "-9999px",
   filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod='image')"
  var body = document.body; body.insertBefore( preload, body.childNodes[0] );
  _filterShow: function() {
 var preload = this._preload,
  data = this._data.replace(/[)'"%]/g, function(s){ return escape(escape(s)); });
  preload.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader").src = data;
 }catch(e){ this._error("filter error"); return; }
 this.img.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod='scale',src=\"" + data + "\")";
 this._imgShow( ImagePreview.TRANSPARENT, preload.offsetWidth, preload.offsetHeight );

  _imgShow: function(src, width, height) {
 var img = this.img, style = img.style,
  ratio = Math.max( 0, this.ratio ) || Math.min( 1,
    Math.max( 0, this.maxWidth ) / width  || 1,
    Math.max( 0, this.maxHeight ) / height || 1
 style.width = Math.round( width * ratio ) + "px";
 style.height = Math.round( height * ratio ) + "px";
 img.src = src;

  dispose: function() {
 if ( this._upload ) {
  this._upload.dispose(); this._upload = null;
 if ( this._preload ) {
  var preload = this._preload, parent = preload.parentNode;
  this._preload = preload.onload = preload.onerror = null;
  parent && parent.removeChild(preload);
 this.file = this.img = null;
  _error: function(err) {

复制代码 代码如下:

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