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How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

2023-05-10 11:28:051671browse

    throw means "throw, throw, throw". Throw, Throws and Throwable are all used for exception handling.

    1. Throwable

    Throwable is the top-level parent class of the exception handling branch in Java. The implementation of all other exception handling relies on Throwable

    Open the official Java documentation ( Java8 version), find Throwable, its direct subclasses are Error and Exception.

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    #The characteristic of Error and Exception is that the Error exception program cannot handle it and can only be left to manual intervention to modify the code, such as stack overflow, heap overflow, etc.; while Exception exception It can be detected in advance and dealt with effectively.

    1.1 Extension-Error

    Among Errors, common ones include stack overflow, heap overflow, etc.

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    For example, StackOverflowError

    public class ErrorTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

    Infinite recursion, executing this program will report a stack overflow exception.

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    Another example is the heap exception, OutOfMemoryError

    public class ErrorTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Integer[] testArray = new Integer[1024*1024*1024];

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    1.2 Extension-Exception

    In Exception There are many exceptions that we are familiar with, such as NullPointerException (null pointer exception), ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (array subscript out of bounds), NumberFormatException (number formatting exception), etc.

    public class ExceptionTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int[] testArray = null;
            System.out.println(testArray[0]);  //空指针异常
    public class ExceptionTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int[] testArray = new int[3];
            System.out.println(testArray[3]);   //数组下标越界
    public class ExceptionTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String num = "abc";
            System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(num));    //数字格式化异常

    2. throws

    throws is applied at the method declaration to indicate the types of exceptions that may occur when this method is executed. Once an exception occurs when the method is executed, an object of the exception class will be generated at the exception code. When this object meets the exception type after Throws, it will be thrown. There are two processes here. When there is an exception in the code

    1. Generate an exception object;

    2. throws captures this exception and throws the exception object

    throws and try-catch-finally together are called two ways of exception handling.

    try-catch-finally actively handles the exception when an exception occurs, so that the program can continue to execute; while throws catches the exception and throws the exception object upward without actually handling the exception.

    The so-called throwing exception object upward is to hand over the exception object to the caller for processing. For example, method A calls method B, B throws an exception through throws, and A can choose to use try-catch-finally to handle it. Exceptions can also be thrown upward through throws until the exception is actually handled. If there is no way to handle exceptions, the exception object will eventually be thrown to the JVM, causing the program to stop running.

    public void throwsTest(){   //调用者解决抛出的异常
        catch (NumberFormatException e){
        catch (Exception e){
    private int formatChange(String str) throws NumberFormatException{    //出现异常向上抛出
        return Integer.parseInt(str);

    2.1 Extension

    ——How to choose try-catch-finally or throws?

    When there is an exception in a method that needs to be handled, in most cases, you can either choose try-catch-finally to handle the exception directly, or you can choose throws to throw the exception upward and leave it to the caller to handle. (When an exception is thrown at the end, there must be one party who actually handles the exception. How to deal with it? Let’s use try-catch-finally.) You are relatively free in choice. However, when the following two situations occur, you need to follow certain rules. (If you have anything to add, please point it out).

    • If the overridden method in the parent class does not use throws to throw an exception, the method overridden by the subclass cannot use throws to throw an exception, which means that this situation Must use try-catch-finally to handle.

    • In method A, several other methods are called successively. These methods are executed in a progressive relationship and many of them have exceptions that need to be handled. In this case, it is recommended Several called methods use throws to throw upward exceptions. In method A, try-catch-finally is used to handle these exceptions uniformly.

    Regarding the first one, this is a stipulation that the exception thrown by the overridden method in the subclass using throws must not be greater than the exception thrown by the overridden method in the parent class. scope. For example, if method B in the parent class throws NullPointerException, then the overridden method B in the subclass cannot throw exceptions such as Exception that have a wider scope than NullPointerException; if the overridden method in the parent class does not throw If any exception occurs, the subclass cannot throw an exception.

    Why? Show a piece of code.

    private void test(ParentClassTest parent){
        catch(NullPointerException e){

    In this example, assuming that method B in the parent class throws NullPointerException, the overridden method B in the subclass can throw Exception. Then if the parameters passed into the test method are instantiated objects of the parent class, then there is no problem in calling the test method. If the parameter passed in is an instantiated object of the subclass, and then the method B rewritten by the subclass is called, an Exception may be thrown, and the try-catch structure cannot suppress this exception. This is obviously an error. Reasonable operation.


    3. throw




    class ThrowTest{
        private int Number;
        public void judge(int num){
                this.Number = num;
                throw new RuntimeException("传入参数为负数");
    public void test2(){
        ThrowTest throwTest = new ThrowTest();


    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable


    public void test2(){
        ThrowTest throwTest = new ThrowTest();
        catch (RuntimeException e){

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    如果把throw抛出的异常改为Exception,则直接报错,也就是不能编译。Exception包含两种异常:编译时异常和运行时异常,前者在编译前就要检查是否有可能产生编译时异常;后者是在编译后运行时才会判断的异常。而throw new Exception包含了编译时异常,需要显式处理掉这个异常,怎么处理?try-catch-finally或者throws

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    class ThrowTest{
        private int Number;
        public void judge(int num) throws Exception{
                this.Number = num;
                throw new Exception("传入参数为负数");


    public void test2(){
        ThrowTest throwTest = new ThrowTest();
        catch (RuntimeException e){
        catch (Exception e){

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

    3.1 扩展




    class MyException extends RuntimeException{
        static final long serialVersionUID = -703489719076939L;   //可以认为是一种标识
        public MyException(){}
        public MyException(String message){


    class ThrowTest{
        private int Number;
        public void judge(int num) throws MyException{
                this.Number = num;
                throw new MyException("不能输入负数");


    public void test2(){
        ThrowTest throwTest = new ThrowTest();
        catch (MyException e){

    How to use the Java keywords throw, throws, and Throwable

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