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What are the three synchronization methods in Java and how to use them?

2023-04-27 09:34:071204browse

1. Description

synchronized is our most commonly used synchronization method, and there are three main ways to use it.

2. Example

// 普通类方法同步
synchronized publid void invoke() {}
// 类静态方法同步
synchronized public static void invoke() {}
// 代码块同步
synchronized(object) {

The difference between these three methods is that the synchronized objects are different. The ordinary class synchronized synchronizes the object itself, and the static method synchronizes Class itself, the code block synchronizes the objects we fill in inside the brackets.

What collection classes are there in Java?

Collections in Java are mainly divided into four categories:

1. List: ordered, repeatable;

2. Queue: ordered and repeatable;

3. Set: non-repeatable;

4. Map: unordered, with unique keys and non-unique values.

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