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How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

2023-04-21 15:04:081179browse

You can also open multiple WeChat accounts on your computer

Yesterday, I accidentally learned from my good friend Xiao Lin (WeChat public account: Xiao Lin Coding) that his computer can actually log in to two WeChat IDs at the same time.

Open WeChat on mobile phones. I know that mobile phone systems such as Huawei and Xiaomi have supported this. However, how to start two WeChat on a computer running Windows system? This really aroused my concern. curious.

Xiao Lin told me that he did this and wrote a batch process:

start D:\WeChat\WeChat.exe
start D:\WeChat\WeChat.exe

Then he directly double-clicked the batch file to start two WeChat processes.

I tried it, and it was indeed the case!

Then I added another line, and I was able to start 3 more:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

Then I searched on the Internet and found out that this trick had been used by others a long time ago. It seemed like I was on Mars. But why can I open more doors in this way? I really want to know the mystery.

TIPS: If you are not interested in the technical analysis part, you can skip and go directly to the truth part at the end.

WeChat’s singleton mode

Under normal circumstances, you can directly double-click the WeChat icon to start. The process started later will perform a global singleton mode check. If it is found that a WeChat process already exists, it will directly Activate the WeChat window of the corresponding process, position it at the front of the desktop, and then exit.

But why can we start both using the above method? Let’s find out.

First, let’s analyze how the single instance of WeChat described above is implemented.

Friends who have done Windows platform application development may be familiar with this. Generally, a mutex with a globally unique name is created after the process is started. If the creation is successful, it will start normally. If the creation fails, it will be judged whether the mutex is the same. The repeller already exists. If it already exists, it means that the corresponding program has been started before.

With this conjecture, use the tool procexp to check all the kernel objects opened by the WeChat process and find the mutex part:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

Sure enough, there is a mutex named _WeChat_App_Instance_Identity_Mutex_Name. From this name, we can guess that this is definitely related to WeChat’s singleton mode.

Next, start the artifact APIMonitor, which can help you monitor the API calls of the specified process, and check the two Windows API functions CreateMutex and GetLastError. When WeChat is already running, use this tool to start another WeChat process and take a look at the function calls:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

You can see that after creating the mutex with this name, the GetLastError function was subsequently called and 0x000000b7 was returned. Check the manual for its meaning:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

means it already exists.

Let’s take a look at the stack of this CreateMutex call and see where the code is creating this global mutex:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

It can be seen from the stack that the call comes from a dynamic library WeChatWin.dll in the WeChat directory. The specific location is the previous instruction at offset 0x8e271b.

Next, we will introduce the artifact among artifacts, the famous disassembly software IDA. This guy supports x86, x64, ARM, MIPS and other processor architectures as well as Windows, Linux, Android, MacOS, JVM Program analysis on various system platforms.

Open the WeChatWin.dll file with IDA and locate the offset 0x8e271b:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?
##As shown in the figure above, the action of creating a mutex, Occurs in function sub_108e26d0.

The upper layer is the sub_108e2660 function calling it:

How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?
The above picture reflects the judgment logic after creating the mutex:

  • If the return value of sub_108e26d0 is 0, it means there is no error, and the current function will return directly 0.

  • 如果sub_108e26d0的返回值不为0,表示出现了错误,则依次判断     WeChatMainWndForPC和     WeChatLoginWndForPC两个窗口是否存在,如果存在则使用     BringWindowToTop函数将其置顶弹出。这两个窗口分别代表的是微信的主界面窗口和登陆界面窗口,如果一个微信实例已经存在,则势必处于这两种状态之一。


How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?  





  • 如果能成功创建互斥体对象,则启动微信

  • 如果不能创建互斥体:

    • 如果找到对应窗口,则置顶之,自己退出

    • 如果没有找到,则启动微信


if (CreateMutex() == SUCCESS) {
} else {
  if (FindWindow() == SUCCESS) {
  } else {





How to use Java to open multiple accounts on WeChat PC?

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