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How to use running performance? Summary of running performance example usage

2017-06-14 16:50:401400browse

This article mainly introduces the detailed explanation of hibernate second-level cache in Java. The editor thinks it is quite good. Now I will share it with you and give it as a reference. Let's follow the editor to take a look at Hibernate's second-level cache 1. Cache overview Cache (Cache): a very common concept in the computer field. It is located between the application and the permanent data storage source (such as a file or database on the hard disk). Its function is to reduce the frequency of the application directly reading and writing the permanent data storage source, thereby improving the application's running performance. The data in the cache is a copy of the data in the data storage source. The physical medium of the cache is usually memory. Hibernate provides two levels of cache. The first level of cache is the Session level cache, which is a transaction-wide cache. This level of cache is managed by hibernate, and generally no intervention is required. The second level of cache is the SessionFactory level cache, which is a process-wide cache. Hibernate's cache can be divided into two categories: built-in cache: Hibernate's own cache , cannot be uninstalled. Usually in Hiber

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How to use running performance? Summary of running performance example usage

##Introduction: This article mainly introduces hibernate 2 in java The detailed explanation of level caching is very good, and I will share it with you now as a reference. Let's follow the editor to take a look at Hibernate's second-level cache 1. Cache overview Cache (Cache): a very common concept in the computer field. It is located between the application and the permanent data storage source (such as a file or database on the hard disk). Its function is to reduce the frequency of the application directly reading and writing the permanent data storage source, thereby improving the application's running performance. The data in the cache is a copy of the data in the data storage source...

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How to use running performance? Summary of running performance example usage

Introduction: Is it good to write a lot of comments in PHP program? I write PHP code with a lot of comments. Will it have any negative impact on PHP running performance? There are so many comments that I have more time than the code itself. Are there any disadvantages? For example: //This is the core functional area of ​​voting. As long as the user does not vote today, he can vote //Successful voting: 1. Add one vote to the corresponding row record of this voting table 2. Add the voting record of the user to the voting record table to prevent He will vote again today. $voteid=$_GET["vote

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