Because we need to summarize all aspects involved in the String class here, we also give some SCJP questions. If there are any shortcomings, please tell me in the comments, thank you.
1. Invariant mode:
The value of a string object cannot be changed after it is created.
String str1="hello";//创建一个对象hello,不会变; System.out.println(str1); str1+=" world!";//两个字符串对象粘粘,系统其实创建了一个新的对象,把Str1的指向改了,指向新的对象;hello就 //变成了垃圾; System.out.println(str1);
//If you keep creating it like this, it will affect the efficiency of the system; if you want to frequently change the value of a string object, use StringBuffer to describe it;
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("["); sb.append("hehe"); sb.append("]");//append();不会制造垃圾,真正在改sb的值; System.out.println(sb);
2. Object Pool
First of all, you must understand that Object obj = new Object();
obj is a reference to the object, which is located on the stack, and new Object() is the object, which is located on the heap.
It can be understood that obj is the rope tied to the hydrogen balloon, and new Object() is the hydrogen balloon. We access the object through the reference of the object, just like we are holding the rope to prevent the hydrogen balloon from running away.
There are two main ways to create a Stirng object:
java 代码 String str1 = new String("abc"); Stirng str2 = "abc";
Although both statements return a reference to a String object, the jvm handles both. are different. For the first type, the jvm will immediately create a String object in the heap, and then return the reference to the object to the user. For the second type, jvm will first use the equals method of String in the internally maintained strings pool to find whether the String object is stored in the object pool. If so, the existing String object will be returned to the user,
instead of A new String object will be re-created in the heap; if there is no such String object in the object pool, jvm will create a new String object in the heap, return its reference to the user, and add the reference to strings poo
l in. Note: When using the first method to create an object, the jvm will not actively put the object into the strings pool unless the program calls the intern method of String. Look at the following example:
java code
String str1 = new String("abc"); //jvm creates a String object on the heap
//jvm cannot be found in the strings pool The string value is "abc", so
//Create a String object on the heap and add the reference of the object to the strings pool
//There are two String objects on the heap at this time
Stirng str2 = "abc"; //并没有创建对象,因为对象池里已经有"abc" 了 if(str1 == str2){ System.out.println("str1 == str2"); }else{ System.out.println("str1 != str2"); }//The printed result is str1 != str2, because they are two different objects on the heap
String str3 = "abc";//At this time, the jvm found that there are already strings in the strings pool "abc" object, because "abc" equals "abc"
//So directly return the object pointed by str2 to str3, that is to say, str2 and str3 are references pointing to the same object
if(str2 == str3){ System.out.println("str2 == str3"); }else{ System.out.println("str2 != str3"); }//The print result is str2 == str3
3. String / StringBuffer / StringBuilder
The String class is a string constant and is an unchangeable constant. StringBuffer is a string variable, and its object can be expanded and modified.
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("[");//创建StringBuffer对象 sb.append("hehe");//把hehe加入字符串,变成 "[hehe" sb.append("]");//append();不会制造垃圾,真正在改sb的值; System.out.println(sb); String str = sb.toString();//把"[hehe]",赋值给一个字符串对象strStringBuilder, a variable sequence of characters. This class provides a StringBuffer-compatible API but does not guarantee synchronization. This class is designed to be used as a drop-in replacement for StringBuffer when the string buffer is used by a single thread (which is a common situation). It is recommended to prefer this class if possible, as it is faster than StringBuffer in most implementations.
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder("[");//创建StringBuilder对象 sb.append("hehe");//把hehe加入字符串,变成 "[hehe" sb.append("]");//append();不会制造垃圾,真正在改sb的值; System.out.println(sb); String str = sb.toString();//把"[hehe]",赋值给一个字符串对象str
API when you need it. You’ll naturally become familiar with it if you use it a lot.
java.lang.String char charAt (int index) 返回index所指定的字符 String concat(String str) 将两字符串连接 boolean endsWith(String str) 测试字符串是否以str结尾 boolean equals(Object obj) 比较两对象 char[] getBytes 将字符串转换成字符数组返回 char[] getBytes(String str) 将指定的字符串转成制服数组返回 boolean startsWith(String str) 测试字符串是否以str开始 int length() 返回字符串的长度 String replace(char old ,char new) 将old用new替代 char[] toCharArray 将字符串转换成字符数组 String toLowerCase() 将字符串内的字符改写成小写 String toUpperCase() 将字符串内的字符改写成大写 String valueOf(Boolean b) 将布尔方法b的内容用字符串表示 String valueOf(char ch) 将字符ch的内容用字符串表示 String valueOf(int index) 将数字index的内容用字符串表示 String valueOf(long l) 将长整数字l的内容用字符串表示 String substring(int1,int2) 取出字符串内第int1位置到int2的字符串
[java] view plain copy import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class StringUsage { // 几个欧不太用的方法。 public static void main(String[] args) { // 判断字符串首/尾。 String contentS = "test String again. test "; System.out.println(contentS); System.out.println("contentS.startsWith(/"test/")/t" + contentS.startsWith("test")); System.out.println("contentS.endsWith(/"test/")/t" + contentS.endsWith("test")); // 忽略大小写的字符串比较方法。 System.out .println("contentS.compareToIgnoreCase(contentS.toUpperCase()))/t" + contentS.compareToIgnoreCase(contentS.toUpperCase())); // 不区分大小写的字符串比较。 Comparator<String> cmprStr = String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER; List<String> lstStr = new LinkedList<String>(); // 准备数据。 lstStr.add("test"); lstStr.add("Test"); lstStr.add("tEst"); lstStr.add("rest"); lstStr.add("sest"); // 不区分大小写的排序。 Collections.sort(lstStr, cmprStr); System.out.println(lstStr); // 区分大小写的排序。 Collections.sort(lstStr); System.out.println(lstStr); System.out.println("/ntest String.valueOf()"); // 用 valueOf 处理 null 对象的字符串转换。 try { String ss = null; System.out.println(ss); System.out.println(String.valueOf(null)); // 比较奇怪的地方 } catch (RuntimeException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } BigDecimal db = null; try { System.out.println(((BigDecimal)db).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { System.out.println(String.valueOf(db)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } db = new BigDecimal("100.00"); try { System.out.println(((BigDecimal)db).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
String a="Hello World!"; String b="Hello World!"; a=b? a和b是否相等 ? 为什么? String a=new String("Hello World!"); String b="Hello World!"; a=b? a和b是否相等 ? 为什么?
Because the default value of the object is null, the default value of String is also null; but it is a special object and has some characteristics that other objects do not have.
2. New String() and new String("") both declare a new empty string, which is an empty string and not null;
3. String str="kvill";
String str=new String ("kvill"); The difference:
Here, we do not talk about the heap, nor the stack, but simply introduce the simple concept of the constant pool first.
The constant pool (constant pool) refers to
some data that is determined during compilation and saved in the compiled .class file. It includes constants in classes, methods, interfaces, etc., as well as string constants.
Look at Example 1:
String s0="kvill"; String s1="kvill"; String s2="kv" + "ill"; System.out.println( s0==s1 ); System.out.println( s0==s2 );
用new String() 创建的字符串不是常量,不能在编译期就确定,所以new String()
String s0="kvill"; String s1=new String("kvill"); String s2="kv"+ new String("ill"); System.out.println( s0==s1 ); System.out.println( s0==s2 ); System.out.println( s1==s2 );
建的新对象”kvill”的引用,s2因为有后半部分new String(“ill”)所以也无法在编译
4. String.intern():
String s0= "kvill"; String s1=new String("kvill"); String s2=new String("kvill"); System.out.println( s0==s1 ); System.out.println( “**********” ); s1.intern(); s2=s2.intern(); //把常量池中"kvill"的引用赋给s2 System.out.println( s0==s1); System.out.println( s0==s1.intern() ); System.out.println( s0==s2 );
false //虽然执行了s1.intern(),但它的返回值没有赋给s1
true //说明s1.intern()返回的是常量池中”kvill”的引用
String s1=new String("kvill"); String s2=s1.intern(); System.out.println( s1==s1.intern() ); System.out.println( s1+" "+s2 ); System.out.println( s2==s1.intern() );
结果: 【相关推荐】 1. java中String是对象还是类?详解java中的String 3. Java中String类的常用方法是什么?总结Java中String类的常用方法 The above is the detailed content of Summarize the example tutorials of String class in Java. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!
kvill kvill
在这个类中我们没有声名一个"kvill"常量,所以s1.intern()同new String("kvill")是不同的,当我们调用s1.intern()后就在常量池中新添加了一个"kvill"常量,原来的
5. 关于equals()和==:
6. 关于String是不可变的
String str=”kv”+”ill”+” “+”ans”;
就是有4个字符串常量,首先”kv”和”ill”生成了”kvill”存在内存中,然后”kvill”又和” “ 生成 ”kvill “存在内存中,最后又和生成了”kvill ans”;
并把这个字符串的地址赋给了str,就是因为String的“不可变”产生了很多临时变量,这也就是为什么建议用StringBuffer的原因了,因为StringBuffer是可 font-family: Arial;font-size:12px;">改变的。</span>
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